Example sentences of "[adv] of [art] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This indignation is also accompanied by a contempt for the ‘ ignorant ’ protectionist who , many farmers allege , has no knowledge or understanding of modern agriculture , and especially of the economics of food production .
2 It was a slowing down of the spread of forest decline in the late 1980s that first pointed the CEGB scientists towards climate as the cause .
3 Think perhaps of a piece of lea , what could you do with that ?
4 Although there was only fragmentary discussion of the matter at the Tenth Session , the United Kingdom view prevailed ; an example perhaps of the effect of shortage of time on the content of international conventions .
5 Even just the memories of 1988 Winter Olympics folk hero Eddie ‘ the Eagle ’ Edwards , the British ski jumper who put himself in the Calgary Games regardless of a lack of skill or training , made more of an impact with the American sporting public than super-fit and talented rugby players such as David Campese , Jeremy Guscott or Wade Dooley .
6 The next level — called ‘ Doctor of Philosophy ’ ( PhD or occasionally DPhil ) regardless of the subject of study — is a more advanced qualification requiring the submission of a thesis based on original research , and usually assumed to take three years of full-time study .
7 For that end , for that end , you people over there , who took a decision to implement Local Management at the earliest possible time , regardless of the state of preparation of each particular school , regardless of the resources of staff and equipment and , if that was not enough , you also introduced a cut of thirteen million pounds in education funding .
8 Cost-push inflation is said to exist when rising production costs are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices , regardless of the state of demand in the economy .
9 Regardless of the type of vessel and the type of ownership or intermediary arrangement involved , the ancient mariner 's maxim ‘ an idle vessel earns no freight ’ continues to shape the world 's shipping and documentary practices .
10 The reasons , consequences and approach taken remain essentially similar , regardless of the type of drug used .
11 One of the facilities is call forwarding , and that is available to every extension , regardless of the type of service , okay .
13 Your co-operation is vital at this time , we need the numbers on the registers of all classes regardless of the type of class and all
14 This will happen regardless of the type of food eaten .
15 ‘ Other Costs ’ can be seen as the cost of developing the plot and their total will remain fairly constant in your budget , regardless of the size of dwelling you build .
16 For the more general notion of one person working upon another regardless of the medium of action , we shall retain the ordinary use of the term ‘ influence ’ .
17 It is also crucial to avoid any suggestion of recrimination , regardless of the level of procedure being examined .
18 It is equally convincing that although the level of unemployment may have an effect on price inflation , there may well be other factors of greater short-term impact , for example , the incorporation of previous price increases into current wage bargaining , regardless of the level of unemployment .
19 The DSS has a statutory duty to pay benefits of a given level approved by Parliament regardless of the level of sickness or unemployment that may arise in any one year .
20 There is an arrow straight to absentee behaviour ; this says that women are more likely to be absent from work than men , regardless of the kind of job they are in .
21 Third , carers have power over dependent vulnerable relatives regardless of the stress of caring , and that power can be misused .
22 The theory is that its internal air pocket will ‘ bounce ’ back the dolphin 's sonar signal , regardless of the direction of approach .
23 Its outstanding claims involving accountancy firms currently stand at $3bn , and under joint and several liability , the auditors could be found liable for the entire amount sought from all defendants , regardless of the degree of blame .
24 With dark hair and moustache , he was always well dressed , regardless of the time of day .
25 As the deceased would have died regardless of the breach of duty , the breach was not a cause of his death .
26 Regardless of the amount of time involved it seems likely that staff will always opt for more time if this is offered to them .
27 This was very familiar to those who had worked with Peter before ; he said it before every production , regardless of how complex or simple it was , and regardless of the length of rehearsal allocated .
28 Um , said Tor , but then went on to explain that only a week or two before he had been within a hundred metres or so of a school of orca .
29 The foregoing illustrations emphasise problems of interpretation across cultures , however much of the teaching of Scripture is so plain and obvious that no great intellectual capacity or specialist training is required .
30 It should be noted in all these changes that an underlying Government objective is to pass on much of the cost of training to the industry .
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