Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] over the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was clearly old , and several additions had obviously been made over the years , although they all blended together easily and harmoniously .
2 And unfortunately settees appeared at the bottom of the you know , just been pushed over the sides and appeared and then they were left .
3 But he was angry , having just been hauled over the coals by Kragan and Frick for not getting the Englishman to talk .
4 What this means , in effect , therefore , in the context of private international law is that an administrator can not be appointed over the affairs , business and property of an overseas company .
5 In total the bungalow 's size has probably been quadrupled over the years with various extensions added when needed .
6 Netting can also be stretched over the hoops used for the popular polythene tunnel cloches .
7 We soon learn how to cope but still relieve the tension by shouting obscenities that ca n't be heard over the sounds of the engines .
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