Example sentences of "[adv] be [adv] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The goings on are hardly lightened by the rule that cross-examination questions have to be submitted beforehand as well , so the answerers know what 's coming .
2 The implication is that he has not only been deeply disgusted by the political and social oppression in capitalist and colonial France , but has also been fatally attracted to the entirely new set of social relations apparently emerging in the post-revolutionary situation in the Soviet Union .
3 His wheat and hay had all been so damaged by the rain that it was worthless .
4 We had all been deeply saddened by the news of Beryl 's tragic death in May she had endured her illness with great fortitude and courage — her loss will be felt throughout the Society .
5 Many of the best ones arise out of the preparations for the show and so are never shared by the viewers .
6 But , at the same time , the town chosen or the house actually lived in are still selected by the households themselves .
7 The crucial issue which this sort of situation emphasises is the vital importance of perception between persons of different cultures , which can only be partially ameliorated by the procedure suggested by James Lee .
8 If that were so , there would scarcely be a government in the last 100 years which could be regarded as legitimate , but it is those uses of power and law which seem to betray or which can only be reasonably explained by a contempt for or at least an impatience with the principles of limited government and a belief that the rightness of the policies to be executed excuse or justify the methods whereby they are executed .
9 Finally , it is as well to realise that the title of ‘ karate champion ’ can only be legitimately conferred by a national governing body recognised by the Martial Arts Commission .
10 Crucially , their Interim report submitted in March 1920 noted the intimate connection between housing , transport and the ultimate distribution of land uses of all kinds , including residential , commercial and industrial , so that the housing question ‘ can only be successfully attacked by the simultaneous consideration of all these aspects over a wide area ’ .
11 For the language needs of learners can only be effectively solved by a linguistic analysis of their source problems ( Carter , 1982:2 ) .
12 No gimmicks , either , so Ampeg 's reputation can only be further enhanced by the B-1/B-1R .
13 He has therefore floated the idea that the four nationals and the South Bank Centre could perhaps be directly funded by the OAL .
14 If the 100-μm ridge is associated with the remnant , the latter 's distance could perhaps be better determined by the observation of the ridge at 21cm .
15 The place is apparently being slowly abraded by a fine , stinging dust blown across Patagonia by the unceasing gales .
16 His head dress , which was in the shape of a Leghorn straw hat , was composed wholly of coral of excellent quality , meshed closely together , and must have weighed very heavily on his head , for it was constantly being temporarily removed by an attendant .
17 This reminds us that the angle in is largely determined by the lone pair , and the ground state of is essentially planar .
18 However , as Figure 6.41 shows , the space for these uses has been won often by removing cars to off-street parking areas , yet the opportunity for doing so is strictly limited by the availability of existing breaks in the facades of the buildings .
19 Whether the men had truly neglected their duties is unknown , though in view of the social norms of the period the drinking must have been heavy indeed to have been called ‘ excessive ’ , but employment in government service , even when obtained , was never easy to retain , and the chance of doing so was greatly enhanced by a wise choice of political friends .
20 He was badly injured when a rowing boat , which he took on the lake sank , because it had not been properly maintained by the Trust .
21 Resist may also be too thick or artwork film too opaque , and has not been thoroughly activated by the UV light — see above .
22 When the Court of Appeal held that the petitioner was not entitled to appeal as of right , the court was unfortunately and inadvertently and erroneously informed that the cancellation issue had not been finally determined by the judgment of the Court of Appeal delivered on 4 October 1991 .
23 There is , I think , no material distinction between interpreting the law for the purposes of applying it , having due regard to article 10 , and interpreting the law for the purposes of deciding , when the point has not been finally decided by the courts , whether the law does or does not provide to a local government authority the right to sue for libel .
24 For all his Mayfair address in Half Moon Street , Drummond led an irreproachable married life with Phyllis — that is , when she had not been temporarily kidnapped by a fiend in human shape .
25 The criticisms outlined above have not been completely ignored by the planners , since , although the new structure plans still exhibit a keen adherence to key settlement policies ( National Council of Social Service 1979 ; Shaw and Williams 1981 ) , alternative settlement policies have also been considered .
26 ‘ In addition , anglers believe that the added value which angling brings to the region has not been adequately addressed by the Commission in recent years , ’ the statement adds .
27 The Court of Appeal in Fritschy [ 1985 ] 31 July LEXIS ( not reported in [ 1985 ] Crim LR 745 on this point ) said that they did not understand Lord Roskill 's comment , but anyway the accused was not guilty because he had done nothing in England which had not been expressly authorised by the victim when he collected krugerrands in England .
28 Biersteker , on Nigeria , argues that : ‘ Indigenization thus encourages a comprador role for local business in a society already plagued by strong comprador tendencies ’ ( 1987b , p.272 ) and that ‘ foreign capital has not been seriously threatened by the indigenization exercise ’ ( p.275 ) .
29 So far , the energy efficiency option has not been seriously considered by the Government — Britain 's energy policy relies on new sources of energy to meet demand .
30 Does my hon. Friend accept that the fears raised in some people 's mind by the White Paper have not been entirely quelled by the reassurances that he and my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State have given ?
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