Example sentences of "[pron] may have [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is another which may have been a christianised pagan ritual , evolved from dancing round a sacred site or stone on which a church was eventually built .
2 There was a port called Minoa on the south-west coast of Sicily which may have been a Crete-controlled trading station .
3 When interest group activity is added to electoral pressure , the ‘ shame ’ attached to being held responsible for social dissensus , lead to changes which may have been a voluntary response or have been supervised by a state responding to legitimate protest .
4 The generation of numbers was regarded by the early Pythagoreans as an actual physical operation occurring in space and time , and the basic cosmogonical process was identified with the generation of numbers from the initial unit , the Monad , which may have been a sophisticated version of the earlier Orphic idea of the primeval World-egg .
5 ‘ A stupid priest who may have been a secret Templar and had access to hidden knowledge . ’
6 Therefore it was supposed that payments practices , and other institutional arrangements which change only slowly over time , have more influence on the velocity of circulation than any temporary changes in M. Before the First World War there may have been a good deal of truth in this assumption because the financial system was relatively unsophisticated and financial innovation was taking place very slowly by today 's standards .
7 I shall not mention Lyndon B. Johnson 's maxim about tents — but there may have been a slight hint of that in the right hon. Lady 's strategic thinking .
8 The third is the possibility , suggested also by Katib Celebi 's account of the office and supported to some degree by several contemporary documents , that there may have been a separate official muftilik of Edirne during the period : unfortunately , so shadowy is the evidence for its existence that as matters now stand it merely adds to the confusion , though could the facts about it be discovered , they might go some way toward resolving some of the problems in this vexed period .
9 Katib Celebi 's assertion that Abdulkerim was Mufti in Edirne , however , adds yet another unknown to an already difficult set of equations since it suggests the possibility that there may have been a separate official muftilik in Edirne ( and perhaps by extension in Bursa ) concurrently with the Muftilik of Istanbul — this would run contrary to the underlying assumption of the traditional view that the Mufti was the Mufti of the capital , successively Bursa , Edirne and Istanbul some of the holders of which may have become , with the passage of time , confused with the holders of the Muftilik of Istanbul .
10 Although imperfect marketing has been cited by historians as the reason for Victor 's failure , in fact there may have been a simple operational reason .
11 Or there may have been a sudden and unexpected explosion in the local mouse population , leading to a spate of hunting and killing by a pet cat that normally feeds only at home .
12 There may have been a formal recognition of Christianity by the leaders of some Serbian tribes as early as the seventh century , but the real beginnings of Christianity in this area date from the last decades of the ninth century and are associated with the ‘ Apostles of the Slavs ’ , the brothers Constantine-Cyril ( Kiril ) and Methodius ( Metodije ) .
13 The part you require is 560794 ( Genuine Parts ) This is equivalent to GTRIII which is a Unipart number As you have fitted two of these to no avail I would try the gauge itself As your Land Rover has been fitted with a non-original switch to work the glow plugs and this has caught fire , there may have been a short circuit which damaged the voltage stabiliser and temperature sender unit and has probably damaged the gauge itself The colour of the sender unit is not significant
14 However , subsequent archaeologists proved him mistaken , seeing in Machu Picchu an important agricultural centre serving Cuzco ; others speculated that it may have been a religious centre , where handmaidens for the sun god lived .
15 It may have been a teetotal , chapel-going household but do n't imagine it was ever narrow-minded or lacked a sense of fun .
16 It may have been a vain hope .
17 It may have been a controversial church , but its image as a party church dates only from about 1977 when Vanguard disappeared and unionist politics became a straight fight between the Officials and the DUP .
18 AD 10 at this particular place ; it seems to have had a brief existence ; it may have been a Political embarrassment to Cunobelinus at some stage in his early career , or the traders may have just moved elsewhere .
19 It may have been a traditional marriage , gift , given to couples to bring them good luck .
20 It may have been a bogus call … we will just have to wait and see . ’
21 It may have been a recurrent nova , and although it is probably unlikely that it will ever come within binocular range , if it reappears at all , there is no harm in looking for it .
22 Although it may have been a convenient way of getting her out of the country , this also indicates that Ælfgifu had previously enjoyed a recognised position .
23 It may have been a glamorous enough life on stage and , despite the famous Tiller ethos , at the stage door , where the young lads who laid siege to the girls came to be known as Stage Door Johnnies .
24 At its worst it may have been a parasitic racket representing only itself to the detriment of all , but on the larger canvas of society it gave political power to a narrow group of substantial landowners in loose alliance with merchant princes and the small towns which returned members to Parliament .
25 Lyfing was later a pluralist with no good reputation , but it is worth noting the Chronicle D text 's description of him as " the eloquent bishop " : like Wulfstan , he may have been a notable preacher .
26 All these factors reduce the response rate , no matter how good the original sample may have been , so that what may have been a reasonable one-in-five sample to begin with ends up as nearer one-in-ten actually obtained , because of losses .
27 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
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