Example sentences of "[pron] may say that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this case we may say that the reflection shows itself through the mirror , and this illustrates the general principle that consciousness can be understood only by an examination of how it reveals itself through the material world .
2 The characteristic parallel band contour for ν 2 ( a 1 ) and perpendicular contours for ν 5 and ν 6 ( e ) leave no doubt about the correct assignments , and so we may say that the germyl rocking frequency characteristically lies between 550 and 650 cm -1 .
3 Given that the subjects were trained not to raise the negative flap at all , we may say that the difference between associates established to the two stimuli was greater in the case in which the more extensive motor response was required — that is , in the condition that produced superior transfer to a test discrimination involving the same stimuli .
4 In place of saying that if the effect occurred so did the cause , we may say that the occurrence of the effect required that of the cause .
5 Consider the two underlined phrases : ( 3 ) I 'll get some German hock for the party I 'll get some German beer for the party Speaking of the latter phrase , we may say that the noun gives us an initial outline " semantic target area " beer while the adjective , by specifying an additional property , restricts the issue to just that part of the target area which the writer wishes to discuss .
6 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
7 It is clear that , if normativist style has its roots in conservatism and liberalism , similarly one may say that the functionalist style has a certain affinity with a political theory of socialism .
8 In Vietnam , other complaints centred on the lack of industrial development , the stranglehold of French companies and , especially , of the Banque de l'lndochine — a consortium of Paris banks which had a monopoly of banking services — but while one may say that the nature of colonial development or colonial repression in itself created the necessary conditions for revolution or national liberation , it is obviously time to consider how these , and other , factors influenced the forms of Vietnamese resistance .
9 In conclusion one may say that the magnate class , and particularly the military captains , were the main beneficiaries , but that the gains of war were often fortuitous and certainly unevenly spread .
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