Example sentences of "[pron] give they the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Victor and I gave them the slip at Victoria station they knew we were onto them .
2 I gave them the meat of the dead animal , and they gave us more food and water .
3 I gave 'em the price of a pint or two , in hopes they might come and spend it at the Watermen !
4 And despite the suits , which give them the air of ex-cons , just out from a time-warping jail sentence , they also seem younger than their 50 years apiece .
5 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
6 Beside giving them access to a number of secret SimFic files — files which gave them the location of several special projects Berdichev had instigated — they had also contained several items of particular interest .
7 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
8 You give them the time of day .
9 If for some reason it is impossible for you to give them the help in the house they need , a Home Help can be provided by the local authority social services department .
10 She gave them the name of a friend in the German Foreign Office , Dr Schirmer , whom they might approach .
11 She gave them the name of the hotel where they 'd stayed , the lot .
12 In the evening when they came back he would crumble salt on a flat stone for them to lick , and once , in addition to their hay , he gave them the heap of grain that was left at the bottom of the fermentation jar when the beer was finished .
13 The New Towns Act , 1946 , provided for the designation of sites for New Towns ; the setting up of development corporations for their development ; and it gave them the range of powers they would use .
14 They joined in our events for young women , and devoured our publications , because it gave them the springboard for taking action themselves .
15 Not only did this save the horses the pull up the hill through the village , but it gave them the occasion for one more glimpse of Tamar and the children , who stood on the steps , waving .
16 It gave them the pin for endless stories ; it gave them a myth .
17 It gives them the opportunity of working on a real live project er which actually has an end point and is going to be used .
18 It gives them the contact with the theatre that they crave , without the total commitment which acting every night demands . )
19 that 's what gave them the sort of , the idea to set it up but I mean Aston is good because now we 're n now we 're not
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