Example sentences of "[pron] could [verb] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And for once , I could feel I really deserved him
2 Dear Catriona I could guess you probably worked this out a long time ago but I might as well get it over with once and for all and I finally managed to summon up the courage to do so , A S A , a secret admirer , no longer exists , he no longer admires secret or otherwise and has n't existed for almost a year now and again you probably know who he is but I might as well tell you it 's me Johnny the eleven year old , now fourteen , you met at Christmas ninety and boy do I feel stupid .
3 Apparently as soon as I could read I always had my nose stuck in a book .
4 She says I could put hers down , you says I could put yours so stop telling big whoppers again .
5 I went outside quietly and found a length of driftwood of the appropriate shape , came back to the Bunker , caught the snake by the neck with the piece of wood and bundled it into the first rusty can I could find which still had a lid .
6 The others have not had an opportunity of , of actually seeing this , so I wonder if I could ask you just to read it out and we can all share
7 So if I could ask you just to complete that .
8 I could see her proudly carrying on her head an amphora to a well and disdaining all admirers .
9 Well my pal and myself we took these two girls and we sat in the middle of the Temperance Hall and he said come on let's sit over on the balcony he says and put up my clothes by the radiator he says it 's been raining he says and it will dry them , so we moved , and exactly from were we moved was where the women got killed , just candelabra dropped on her and er when it happened the fella on the stage the comedian was singing , a hundred years from now you wo n't be here , and I wo n't be here and from the corner of my eye I could see something gradually dropping like one of these candelabras and I thought hello that 's part of the act you know , it was just gradually coming down and all of a sudden , whooosh and the roof came straight in oh and I do n't know sure I 'd I , everything went dark of course I mean it was all in blacked-out all the chairs were loose , so as the folks wended their way towards the exit doors they took the chairs with them , so they politely threw them back in the crowd that stood in the hall so you were dodging chairs as well as trying to get out , where we were , where we were seated the firemen were hacking at the windows thinking that it was a fire because all the dust had gone up in the air and the reflection of the light from the market I suppose and that would give the appearance of smoke , and he was , I said to this fireman I said there 's no fire , he says , he says there is I said there 's no fire in here , anyway we eventually got out but I took these girls back home to and I really , it was , properly unnerved us both and as we came on that old tram we were , we thought you know everything seemed to sort of upset us and when I got far more upset on the Sunday morning when I went to have a look at it , the whole roof had come right in , but there were fifty people got injured you know and about , oh there was one lady killed .
10 Through binoculars I could tell that it was part of an animal , and I could see it gently moving as it breathed .
11 Organizations are arenas within which some things will tend to hang together and be adopted by power-players as a bundle , while other forms of combination may be far less likely to occur as a coherent package , perhaps because they are less coherent or because the alliance which could make them so lacks a position in the field of power to be able to constitute the necessity of its choices .
12 Loanable funds were not in total short supply , but the same growing and diversifying economy which could provide them also created competition from private borrowers and investors .
13 Any one of which could get you either hospitalized or excommunicated .
14 ‘ Has he not got a young lady ? ’ she asked , trying to sound nonchalant , but she could feel herself almost blushing .
15 Although she snatched a moment whenever she could to telephone her much missed family , ‘ you could feel her disappointments , her lack of freedom .
16 By leaning her back against it and pedalling with her feet she could move it forwards inches at a time .
17 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
18 Then she could take me backstage to meet her beautiful , talented , desirable sister , and who knows … ’
19 She was naked , completely naked , and she could hear his harshly muttered words of desire ; they excited her beyond belief , her body twisting against his in mindless fever , all flesh and blood and pulse .
20 Who could hate her enough to do such a thing ?
21 You could tell it really upset him , whatever she said to him .
22 You could say I still love him . ’
23 ‘ Perhaps you could find someone else to pay you for your story , ’ suggested Oliver as he ushered Tim out on to the stairs .
24 He you could see him really took up to them .
25 Scream out James , come here a minute and , and you cou you could use it just to carry on the conversation .
26 There are various possible answers : The world of 1993 is different from that of 1971 ; the numbers of disabled elderly people have soared ; the divorce rate has rocketed ; or , more conveniently , we could expect nothing else given the governments we have had .
27 We kept very still inside and in the end we could hear them slowly going down the stairs and going away .
28 Yeah we could use twelfths we could use we definitely use no no that 'd be good .
29 At first we could see nothing so crouched on our haunches , edging forward like crabs , feeling the soft woollen carpet .
30 There was no doubt he spoke a language the bulls understood , but no one could say they always obeyed him .
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