Example sentences of "[pron] take him [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Would I take him in the lorry ? yes I can do that for you .
2 I took him into the hangar where the kites were and stroked his uniform , I kissed his insignia , Then I found out how far his freckles went down , I got him so worked up he 'd have promised me anything to let him do it to me That was really how he saw it , it was something he wanted to do to a girl .
3 I took him into the business with me , you know , after all that bother at the Turk 's Head . ’
4 Although it was late and Mr Edgar was tired after his journey , Joseph insisted , so I took him to the master 's room .
5 This was going on for a couple of days , so I was getting worried and I took him to the prison doctor and he says , ‘ It might be with you breastfeeding , try him on the bottle . ’
6 P. E. A man dropped dead in front of me on the street and I took him to the mortuary and I got into trouble over it because I did n't search the body properly .
7 I took him around the garden and told him simply , in the hope that it would feed through to the Romanian government , that we were making the most enormous efforts to try to break this COCOM problem .
8 After breakfast at the palace all the inmates are thrown out , whatever the weather , and the only place he can take his child is outside : " Usually I take my little boy at weekends to the fair at Whitley Bay , or I take him on the metro and we sit at the front — he loves trains .
9 I take him to the yard .
10 ‘ Sure , I take him in the jungle , Jefe . ’
11 She expects him to be an untidy swimmer , but is irritated to find that he has a smooth powerful crawl which takes him through the water swiftly and seriously .
12 She watched him dive , slicing into the water like a knife , and then continue in a powerful crawl which took him towards the centre of the lake .
13 Pearce pauses for reflection when asked to define the qualities which took him to the top with such apparent ease .
14 One of the best known names in football has been teaching a group of schoolchildren some of the skills which took him to the top of the game .
15 He walked back by a different route which took him along the waterfront .
16 When she takes him into the living-room there is a kind of roar , and a man emerges from the background of people and easy chairs , and advances upon Howard , his arms outstretched , his deep , dark eyes raking back and forth over Howard 's face , soaking it in with eager amazement .
17 Johnny will you take him to the toilet please .
18 When she was free she took him into the office and sank into a chair as though exhausted .
19 She took him into the living-room and made him sit in the black leather armchair .
20 She took him to the Science Museum and gave him an encyclopaedia , which explained how the internal combustion engine worked — ‘ I was intrigued immensely ’ .
21 She took him by the arm and led him unresistingly into the house .
22 Seeing that Owen was having difficulties in getting used to the idea , she took him by the hand and pulled him down beside her on the divan .
23 He 's multiple in disability , but we get help in Kilmarnock from Salvation Army , who take him during the day , FAB club where I go with him at night , and the hospital , Curtlingside now , who take him for respite social and everything .
24 ‘ We talked to Elizabeth , to Monty 's doctor and to Monty , and we all decided that it would kill Monty if we took him off the picture .
25 We took him to the vet , who diagnosed cancer .
26 GUIL : We take him to the King .
27 They took him to the cider ward of the local hospital and a week later he was dead .
28 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
29 His hands dangled over the sides of the wheelchair as they took him to the salon to meet the Bishop .
30 They took him to the mortuary and called me . ’
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