Example sentences of "[pron] know that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's a lad with bags of confidence and was quick to let me know that he 'd scored on his debut and I had n't .
2 But against that , although I know that he 'd took three or four very good jobs that I ought to have had , but he was a very , very good detective , a hard working inspector .
3 I know that he had hoped to take part in this debate but had to be elsewhere ; I pay tribute to the fact that he has shown a personal interest in the case .
4 I 've really had to work hard to get where I got to and when I fight a black guy , I know that he 's had to do the same thing , I think : ‘ Well , he 's had it as hard as me ’ and little zest goes out of your punching , I just want to beat him on points .
5 Erm , if somebody could spend a little bit of time with Ilias because we 've got this language problem and I know that he 's found this a little bit difficult , I think he would appreciate it tonight , when you get together please .
6 With regard to his latter point , I know that he has sought , and has rightly been provided by the Department , a copy of the circular that we have sent to local authorities precisely to enlist their assistance to ensure that pensioners who will gain from the proposals receive those gains .
7 His Mother tells me that he is of a mechanical turn , and I know that he has made some progress in mathematics .
8 I recall the speech to which the hon. Gentleman referred and I know that he has referred before to a case similar to that which he described today .
9 For instance the project will assess children 's understanding of the following situation : at a pedestrian crossing I can rely on the motorist stopping if I know that he has seen me , but I can not rely on it if I know that he has not seen me .
10 On his first point , I pay tribute to him , because I know that he has worked assiduously for developments in renewable energy .
11 I know that he has shared my experience many times of being involved in what we lawyers call ’ cut-throat ’ trials .
12 I knew that he had given about 4,000 volumes , but I had kept this information to myself .
13 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
14 But , as she recognised him from yesterday , so she knew that he had recognised her too .
15 She knew that he had seen Allen and that Allen was several yards from his bow .
16 But the pain inflicted on her by Johnny had been deliberate , and try as she may to avoid the unpleasant truth , she knew that he had enjoyed it .
17 She knew that he had tried to give her the impression that he was going off on a promiscuous adventure and expected this to arouse in her both admiration and jealousy , but as Lydia 's misdemeanours were more of the spirit than of the flesh she found promiscuity not merely sinful but foolish and disgusting .
18 Whereas Charles Paris , who knew that he had given one of the best performances of his career in The Hooded Owl , was a name that the punters would n't know from a bar of soap .
19 when you when you knew that he 'd got you by the short and curlies ?
20 We know that he 'd tried to gather all his sources of information together as best he possibly could and he wrote his Gospel very quickly .
21 In many such cases the evidence created by the satisfaction of the criteria is defeated by other evidence ; for example , we see him wincing and holding his stomach , but we know that he has done this at this point in the play every evening this week , and hence we are not justified in believing here what similar evidence of the same sort would perfectly justify elsewhere .
22 We knew that he had started to undress ; the smell from his feet and his socks was almost overpowering .
23 She would never let him know that he had broken her heart .
24 ‘ But really I just want him to know that he 's got to do a bit of work , that he can walk , that he can get around . ’
25 All he had to do then was to make it known that he had promised to leave Laura alone so that she could have a rest in peace , to make an excuse about paying a brief visit to the Gents , to go up to his room — probably via the guest-lift — to stick his hand inside the room and grab the handbag , to take out the jewel before dumping the handbag , and then … ’
26 He knew that he 'd fallen for bait like a fool .
27 He had read it out to him but he knew that he 'd missed out bits .
28 He had gone out for air while Mary reverted to her servant role , but an impulse had taken him much further than he anticipated and now that he was on the shoreline he knew that he had followed an instinct which was directing him to resolve this business with Mary .
29 Now he knew that he had given her what he had , and no one could give more .
30 He knew that he had written a note explaining everything , but the note was back on Belial and he had forgotten its contents .
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