Example sentences of "[pron] who have [adv] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Trading standards officers were first alerted to the danger by someone who 'd just bought a mixer .
2 Marjorie Boulton wrote : ‘ The whole Somerville experience was a revelation to someone who had previously had a largely stultifying education and a narrow background ’ ; it gave ‘ freedom of discussion , dignity of life , stress on truth in scholarship , study in depth , no fear of victimisation , undenominational chapel , fine library , interesting friends … and Joshua , the Principal 's tabby cat .
3 Likewise in ( 36 ) saw evokes not mere visual perception but rather an inference which the speaker has drawn about the character of the people in question on the basis of what he has been able to observe of their behaviour or even of their appearance , and so could be said by someone who had only seen a photograph of them .
4 Show me a frowning British woman on a beach , and I 'll show someone who 's just spotted a mid-thigh clump the wax did n't reach .
5 Margaret closed the briefcase with a click , like someone who has just completed a sale .
6 For example , someone who has just completed a questionnaire ( at T 1 ) on nutrition may have a response to a film on food additives different from that which they would have had in the absence of the questionnaire .
7 The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control : this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased , and acts done against persons other than D ( e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D 's son , daughter , wife , etc . ) .
8 If you know someone who has just passed a very difficult music exam , for instance , you could celebrate their victory by decorating some of their exam piece with a few pressed flowers before framing it and giving it .
9 Neither Mr Bush nor James Baker , his secretary of state ( who talks about Lithuania and Latvia with the visible enthusiasm of someone who has just sucked a lemon ) , can yet bring himself to think anything but the best of Mr Gorbachev , so helpful last year in Europe , so kind this year in the Gulf .
10 And Newton himself exudes the confidence of someone who has just had a shave and put on a fresh shirt .
11 For someone who has never had a panic attack it may be difficult to fully empathize with the client , but it may help if you were to consider the following scenario .
12 No it 's got to be somebody who has n't had a go , otherwise the system falls down , does n't it .
13 Somebody who has just had a trick played on them by Anancy ?
14 It is a very long novel ; on the other hand it seems to be one of the best novels ever written , and I would strongly recommend somebody who has perhaps read a little George Eliot to go on to that .
15 I do n't mean today I mean if she 's going in to London or something you know she 's got a base in London to do something in the morning before she goes on a call as opposed to some of them who have n't got a proper office space
16 Sightless , she smiled thinly and inhumanly ; she who had not seen a smile with which to compare since her girlhood , nor a mirror either .
17 He 's the one who 's just had a breakdown .
18 This instrument must be familiar to every one who has ever heard a military band .
19 So often interpreted in this country as merely not telling anybody who 's actually got a hammer and sickle embroidered on his tie .
20 Does anybody who has n't asked a question or wishes to make a comment who who would like to ?
21 1 How many ghost stories can you think of ? 2 Do you believe in ghosts ? 3 Do you know anybody who has ever seen a ghost ? 4 Think of one ghost story that you can remember — or make one up .
22 The computer interface was secretly operational , sorting through the Mormons ' old listings of everybody who had ever left a record of his or her life on earth .
23 Will my right hon. Friend tell me how best to reply to a constituent of mine who has recently completed a course of treatment at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and who tells me that the nurses and doctors were fantastic , that the treatment was magnificent and that he is fed up to the back teeth with the constant efforts of the Labour party to undermine and talk down the achievements of the health service ?
24 As for making up and imposition , the tasks most often cited as barred to women , they could certainly not be carried out by anyone who had not received a proper training , and were rightly regarded as skilled work .
25 Well , that was n't all so farfetched , and anyone who 'd ever hosted a botfly larva , for example , would surely have sympathised .
26 KEEP AWAY FROM THE EDGE Anyone who has just missed a bus is experiencing stress , but will get over it quickly .
27 Anyone who has ever witnessed a ‘ meet the people ’ exercise knows it is an absurdity .
28 Such an approach will be familiar to anyone who has ever done a course in macroeconomics .
29 But , sitting in the wood-panelled living-room of the Birdman 's house on the little island of Mykines , listening to his tales of the sea and of the exploits of the Faroese fowlers of old , I could think of no reason why he should be considered any more hard or cruel than anyone who has ever eaten a chicken joint , a hamburger — or even a fish-finger !
30 Anyone who has ever attended a recording session of this repertory work will know what problems are created by the need to get the woodwind chords precise enough at the start of both the first two movements .
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