Example sentences of "[pron] who [verb] [been] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Father wanted someone to inherit who knew Venice and had been taught the business , someone who 'd been trained to the position . ’
2 His sister , Linda Lee , who called at the house , said her children were talking about someone who had been killed on the railway line .
3 She looked like someone who had been struck without warning but she did not try to run or cry out .
4 And while we were talking about Crippen , it would probably be unwise to choose as a role model someone who had been topped for the offence .
5 Cardiff was still one of the bastards who had put him away , not someone who had been duped by a fellow officer with false evidence , certainly not someone he had come to respect .
6 And as for the delay in writing , do n't you have any idea how time-consuming it is , looking after someone who 's been paralysed by a stroke ? ’
7 I find his thesis correct in general , but should like to add that the corruption which amounts to violence is likely to be suppressed in someone who has been trained to be a good little girl and can , as one of his own case histories demonstrates , express itself in other , less overt , terms .
8 The first came from a man in the front row , a crumpled , resilient-looking individual with the look of someone who has been dropped on his head from a great height at some stage in his life .
9 my Lord I , I think it takes the view and probably not unreasonably that assuming good faith on the part of the disciplinary tribunal and assuming that there is er review by the courts , you will have complete objectivity and someone who has been excluded for a good reason , maybe fraud or something of that nature should not be competing in the first place , but he will not be excluded unreasonably and therefore if he was excluded unreasonably erm the fact of he 's exclusion could be anti competitive because it takes out of the market a player
10 ‘ I know someone who has been put off three times for an appointment in ophthalmology . ’
11 It is not a good idea simply to rely on advertisements in the local paper but far better to go to someone who has been recommended to you by a friend who has been successfully treated .
12 As someone who has been admitted into psychiatric care 16 times in the past 25 years and has usually received acute care in asylum style settings , I shed few tears for the disappearance of these places .
13 Some parents may face disappointment when they find that their child is to marry someone who has been married before and already has children .
14 A not-so-good euphemism for someone who has tried to do him/herself in by hurling him/herself beneath a moving tube train , or someone who has been jostled from a congested platform on to the track , or some kicky kid indulging in Tube surfing-travelling outside the train and hanging on , and falling off , like John Koporo , age 11 , who in 1987 at Kilburn became the sport 's first victim .
15 McLeish took her briskly through the course , making the now familiar speech about Angela Morgan 's death being treated as a case of murder , which meant taking statements from everyone who had been associated with her and might be helpful .
16 The terrible attack on a taxi driver in St. Mary 's primary school yard today , which also affected the school children within that area , must be condemned and sympathy should be expressed to everyone who has been affected by this terrible act .
17 I 'M sure there must be many people like me who have been troubled by telephone calls at ungodly hours which have turned out to be BT testing the lines .
18 Slow she had been , unbearably slow , she who could hear many strands of speech at once : trusting she had been , she who had been reared in the bosom of suspicion .
19 Hospital inpatients versus hospital outpatients — Among subjects with progressive disorders receiving hospital consultations ( table IV ) , none who had been admitted as an inpatient in the past 12 months had unmet needs .
20 Agitated , Vincent went running to a painter called Weissenbruch to see if he was another one who had been poisoned by the gossip circulating against him .
21 He was quite a personable young man , but the Waaf I recognised instantly as the one who had been ejected from Hut 4 at Bourn for being dirty .
22 Whereupon the partying Ninevites , just like Jonah inside the whale , repented ; whereupon God decided after all to spare the city ; whereupon Jonah became incredibly irritated , which was only normal in one who 'd been put to a lot of trouble to bring the message of destruction , only for the Lord , despite a well-known , indeed historic taste for wrecking cities , to turn round and change his mind .
23 er up , one who 's been invited to one 's birthday party
24 Mo , one who 's been invited to one 's
25 As Yeltsin never ceases to point out , he is the one who has been legitimised by the Russian people in free elections , not parliament .
26 A rehabilitated person is one who has been convicted of and sentenced for an offence or offences and who has not committed a further offence or offences during the appropriate rehabilitation period and that period has expired .
27 The pagan world was familiar with the widespread beliefs that sexual contact between man and woman hindered the soul 's rise to higher things , and even that one who has been favoured with the love of a god ought to forgo mortal love .
28 We who have been classed as ‘ image-makers ’ in Europe and the United States are proud of the job we do .
29 It is he who has been instructed by our intelligence people in London how to conduct the operation with three friends . ’
30 Since early July the Medellín judges had received more than 200 requests for releases , as lawyers sought to take advantage of a new Penal Code which allowed for the release of anyone who had been detained without trial for 180 days .
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