Example sentences of "[pron] can [adv] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Most other weapons can not be considered to have characteristics that make their use illegal whatever the circumstances ; although some others perhaps do — for example , bacteriological weapons , which can equally be argued to be per se illegal .
2 This is located on a permanent-memory chip , which can neither be added to , or altered , by an operator , nor erased when the machine is switched off .
3 The adjective must of course be one which can plausibly be ascribed to the entity of the subject if the whole is to be grammatically acceptable .
4 And what of the deletion of / ? / in Belfast English , which can easily be argued to be phonetically motivated ?
5 In addition to these , blend dare has also been found with the bare infinitive in a number of other categorizable contexts , all of which can also be shown to be somehow non-assertive : ( 59 ) I only wish I dared write to him .
6 The other degenerate case in which can also be transformed to a Schwarzschild space-time but , in this case , the interaction region corresponds to the upper region inside the horizon and all trajectories end in the future singularity .
7 In short , where there is an articulated policy which can clearly be applied to a case , development control and appeal decisions tend to abide by it .
8 An undated letter from John Howard to the duke of Norfolk , which can probably be assigned to 1469 , assured Norfolk of Gloucester 's good will : ‘ I did remember your lordship to my lord , promising you I found my lord as well disposed toward you as any lord may be to another … whereof I was right glad to hear it . ’
9 An undated letter from John Howard to the duke of Norfolk , which can probably be assigned to 1469 , assured Norfolk of Gloucester 's good will : ‘ I did remember your lordship to my lord , promising you I found my lord as well disposed toward you as any lord may be to another … whereof I was right glad to hear it . ’
10 If we enquire into the evolutionary background to this situation , it is immediately clear that the evolution of behaviour in both humans and primates rests on a common mammalian basis which can doubtless be traced to the greater adaptiveness , activity and independence of environmental conditions which the acquisition of warm-bloodedness provided .
11 Once the text has been accurately input to the computer , there are no particular practical problems associated with running a concordance program to study a wide range of syntactic variables ; the major advantage of computer techniques is the ease with which repetitive processes can be carried out and large amounts of data stored which can later be added to .
12 While there are some ‘ off the shelf ’ packages which can be employed to assist in time and cost controls , there are no comprehensive programmes which can simply be applied to every surveying job , basically because no two are entirely alike .
13 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
14 Apart from quantifying the alloying metals , it also measures trace metals which can sometimes be used to ‘ finger-print ’ an individual supply of metal ( fig. 5.2 ) .
15 It is maintained here that the constitution is nothing more nor less than the outgrowth of the ‘ realities ’ and not , as Lord Sankey and many others of us tend to assume , something distinct from them and which can therefore be contrasted to them .
16 In a situation of monopoly power , the profits which a company makes will contain an element which can only be ascribed to the use of monopoly power by that company .
17 Is a complex idea which can only be explained to parents with great difficulty .
18 As this inflow increases — a population movement which can only be compared to the millennial westward movement of peoples to Europe which ended with the defeat of the Mongols — a final answer will be given to our absorbing little debate about European identity .
19 Nevertheless , the universal aspirations of such a social psychology 's theory will permit the formulation of ‘ pure ’ , or universal , theoretical propositions , which can then be applied to historical manifestations of the topic in question .
20 A better and more organised way of handling the music feed , though , is to pre-record it onto a cued sound tape which can then be fed to the mixer non-stop .
21 Slop , arising from the assembly of components in their minimum metal condition or due to an estimated wear pattern , can be included to produce positional uncertainty in the mechanism , which can then be compared to the positional requirements necessary for correct operation .
22 In a similar vein , Dr M in Department B said that the first year is concerned with ‘ settling in and acquiring practice , and acquiring a certain body of common reading which can then be appealed to or built on in subsequent years ’ .
23 When you are giving tablets to your dog , it may be possible simply to disguise them in food , such as a piece of meat , which can then be added to the dog 's meal .
24 That Jennens had some talent as a poet may be judged from ‘ Parthenissa 's Answer to the Pocket-Book 's Soliloquy ’ , a poem in Leapor 's second volume which can now be attributed to her .
25 Moreover it imposes limits upon the proportion of labour-power which can safely be devoted to unproductive labour .
26 She moves ( for example ) between speaking of the crucifixion of Christ ( fact ) to the cosmic nature of Christ — which can hardly be said to be ‘ true ’ in the sense of an empirically known fact .
27 Instead it turns out to be very much concerned with rhetoric , which can hardly be said to be new for this age or even essentially syntactic .
28 then he or she can only be forced to hand back the item if the price it cost him or her is paid in compensation [ Art .
29 In biblical language , God makes himself known always and only as the Lord who lays his claim upon us ; in that of Kierkegaard , he is the Subject who can never be reduced to an object , but is always the One who challenges us across the gulf of the ‘ infinite qualitative difference ’ , and so awakens in us the ‘ infinite passion ’ of faith .
30 Teasing by schoolmates and pressure from social workers has , in the eyes of Dr Reid and Mr Fenton , ensured that the child , who can only be referred to as OW , is ‘ away with the fairies ’ .
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