Example sentences of "[pron] would be in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is no way I had anything going with poor Billy and no way he knew I 'd be in that house . ’
2 ‘ He has n't seen me or thought about me for ten years as far as I 'm aware and he could n't have known I 'd be in that house .
3 I said I 'd be in any time after six that evening and he came for the key precisely on the hour . ’
4 Well I would be in some difficulty there sir because erm I have clearly this is a very important and sensitive er issue , one which involves erm one which would involve erm consideration by my members of the various issues , erm I have no authority to express a detailed view on a ma on a matter of principle , or indeed a general view as to wh as to which is the er the best location .
5 She had no idea that I would be in this area .
6 Well no if you tried to then you , you 'd be in some difficulty rules which , you know
7 Yes that 's right , right well that 's a baby , that 's a baby that will be like that , but she 's older , so her legs would be , she would be in that position would n't she ?
8 ‘ At the beginning of the year , I 'd have laughed if you 'd have told me we 'd be in this situation , ’ said Favre .
9 Tom Curran , deputy director of Wirral social services department , said : ‘ If , in the first place , we had said to people they did not meet the criteria and did not put their names on the waiting list , we would be in less trouble . ’
10 A number of the grants , virtually all of the grants are to voluntary bodies who are providing services which are of considerable benefit to this Committee , and where we would be in some difficulty if they did n't give those of voluntary support to it .
11 I do not think that anyone attempting to classify the vertebrates would fail to recognize the Anura as a group , or that , presented with an adult vertebrate , one would be in any doubt as to whether or not it was an Anuran .
12 ‘ If they all lived , guess how many rats there 'd be in this country in five years .
13 Would my hon. Friend care to hazard a guess about how many fewer jobs there would be in that industry if that money had not been given ?
14 The actual pitch should be written in , as shown , when there would otherwise be ambiguity ( as there would be in this case , as to which F is required , high or low ) .
15 Endowment assigned to them , so they would see it , they would know it , they would check it and they 'd be in that position .
16 Ah but they always watched th they would be in some place over bad storms you know .
17 It has been known , but parents who do such a thing are as disliked as they would be in any society , and such marriages are often barren .
18 I think it 'd be in that direction .
19 The war had interrupted and postponed many a career , J's amongst them , and he had three years ' university ahead of him before he would be in any position to marry .
20 His acceptance of the condition was made with an easy mind — he did n't feel that distributing a newspaper , even a banned one , would be considered a particularly heinous offence for a young girl , and anyway he could not imagine that he would be in any danger himself if he admitted knowledge of the basket 's contents .
21 I knew how it would be in that room .
22 He was standing with his back to the fire , thinking how much less pleasant it would be in some seaside hotel or boarding house in the off-season .
23 Apparently he was getting a divorce , and Rosemary was already planning the wedding and her honeymoon trousseau — such as it would be in those days of strictly limited clothing coupons .
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