Example sentences of "[pron] would in [adj] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 Since those recommendations are now made shortly after the trial , there will no longer be additional material such as reports on the prisoner 's subsequent behaviour , which would in any event be irrelevant to the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
2 The term ‘ annunciation ‘ ( announcement ) is that given to the message presented by the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would in due time be delivered of the Son of God , and the festival commemorating this — Lady Day — has the date 25 March .
3 It was thought that this would stimulate our divinity students in being close to the university and so involved in contact with university students who would in future years be leaders of the nation , just as we hoped the divinity students would become leaders of the Church .
4 If they were assertive and asked for what they wanted rather than ‘ manipulated ’ , they would in many cases be more successful .
5 If Coleman was next on the hit list , they would in any case be safer travelling on their own .
6 There was then little belief in the value of the Coalition Liberals , but a strong belief in the value of Lloyd George ; he would be a good advocate with the new electorate and he would in due course be disarmed as Chamberlain had been .
7 He declined Dinah 's offer ; no doubt it would in any case be thought improper for two young ladies to drive a young man home .
8 To make things still worse , he added that it would in any case be quite useless for them to make plans without the king 's approval , for nothing could be achieved without his collaboration .
9 It would in any case be difficult to derive the high Sr/Y , La/Yb ratios and low Y and HREE contents of these magmas by fractional crystallization of the main phases present in the rocks : plagioclase , hornblende and clino- pyroxene .
10 Certainly , I never imagined that it would in any way be see-through .
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