Example sentences of "[pron] would have [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At any other time I 'd have laughed at this innocent self-betrayal ; just now it did n't seem funny , only irritating .
2 I would have said at forty one you know you er you 're still probably young enough to get a salaried job but we decided that it might be worth er you trying this avenue .
3 The drop down from Meall Corranaich and back up to Beinn Ghlas was a great deal more substantial than I would have wished at this point in the walk , keeping in mind that I was hallucinating from the effort of the chase and the subsequent lack of oxygen managing to get anywhere near my lungs via a mouth full of clenched teeth .
4 I would have sworn at that time that I loved her as much as she did me , more even , but subsequent events proved me wrong .
5 Well it 'll be one-to-one , but I would have looked at that as many-to- one , because , one child has come from more than one parent .
6 She had n't really imagined she 'd have to talk at all , she realised — had hoped and assumed he 'd simply sweep her into his arms .
7 It occurred to her suddenly that she had rarely enjoyed herself so much as she was now doing , seated in Dr Neil 's kitchen , dressed like a skivvy and eating a huge meal , rather than languidly nibbling at it , as she would have done at one of Aunt Nella 's ‘ At Homes ’ .
8 If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage , she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark .
9 If the whole business had not been impossibly difficult , she wondered if she would have bothered at all .
10 When considered in relation to the length of time you would have to wait at any particular junction in order to observe an accident it is probably accurate to characterise road accidents as low frequency occurrences .
11 One of the researchers involved , David Sugden , cautioned however that global warming will make sea-levels expand regardless of any added volume caused by melting ice , and he added that " we would have to look at all the ice sheets in the world , not just two , before we could be sure what the effects would be " .
12 I would take the train down the line where they would have to change at some junction and plead with them the cause of the Liverpool seamen .
13 However , Turner does n't believe that he would have arrived at such a conclusion if he had continued to live and write in Ireland .
14 The second is to test understanding by inviting someone else to summarize and check that their summary accords with the one you yourself would have given at that stage in the proceedings .
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