Example sentences of "[pron] would be the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm not sure that I 'd be the best person to judge whether I turned to writing by way of compensation or not , though I can see that a serious death like that would lead to a world that was whole being broken .
2 I 'd be the last person to say anything against old Stavanger — he brought me into the company , and I owe a lot to him .
3 I 'd be the last person to know , would n't I ?
4 I 'm not being greedy but if someone paid me £50,000 for a fight , I 'd be the happiest man in the world .
5 In about two hundred years I 'd be the richest man in Luggnagg .
6 ’ I think people find me obnoxious because I wo n't admit that I secretly loathe Kyle Minogue and Jason Donovan , but I really do think they 're great artists — if I did n't I 'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world .
7 I never intended to imply that I would be the first artist to employ hanging cloth ( my use of Walter Benjamin necessitated for this kind of work that I block the aura of the collection and re-route it toward another kind of signification , as well as reference a museum 's depot ) but I am confident that anyone who has visited my installation comes away knowing what my contribution is .
8 My particular role erm in the operation was to carry one of the ballistic shields erm and I also erm during the briefing was informed that I would be the first person through the front door and consequent consequently to the door of the master bedroom .
9 I would be the first person to tell my players to get on with the game because when you do n't do that , you are only upsetting your rhythm .
10 I would be the last person to say that it was all your fault .
11 Lord Mayor , I would be the last person to criticise either Councillors or offices who attempt to represent this district on foreign shores , whenever and wherever such trips are perfectly legitimate .
12 I would be the last person to begrudge Pears his chance .
13 And I would be the last person to advocate that we follow the American practice of litigation er to the extremes that they pursue it in the States .
14 ‘ If I believed you , ’ said Ludovico da Bologna , ‘ I would be the happiest man in Nicosia .
15 ‘ The opposition was divided and he thought his would be the strongest party .
16 For Lewis , this was ‘ the personal heresy ’ , a vivid example of which would be the present biography , which seeks to shed light on a man 's work by researching into the recesses of his mind and the outward events of his life .
17 For though I doubt if he 's ready to own to it yet , I know of another who can and will testify that the two of them were together until the bell sounded for Compline , which would be the better part of an hour later than you have in mind , and a quarter of an hour 's walk from the place , into the bargain .
18 A sign of the country 's plight is that it is hard to say which would be the better investment .
19 You could see from there ; and then we might know which would be the best way to go . "
20 But if I had to choose a hunter for work in a particular type of country I should have a pretty good idea which would be the best animal to pick , though I might not be able to tell you how I went about it . ’
21 and you are never revealed on your battle field would be to erm phone up Trailfinders or S T A , I think I might 've asked S T A , and find out which would be the best card , which would be the best card to have .
22 and you are never revealed on your battle field would be to erm phone up Trailfinders or S T A , I think I might 've asked S T A , and find out which would be the best card , which would be the best card to have .
23 Which would be the best thing .
24 To give an indication as it were which in terms of within the City of York , which would be the least worse of the options .
25 The question was which would be the Nth power to acquire the bomb which would also be irresponsible enough to start the holocaust .
26 ’ I ca n't see how any democratic member of Parliament can vote for such a sloppy bill , which would be the thin end of a very dangerous web .
27 SDLP councillor Dermot Curran , disagreeing with the idea of a barricade , commented : ‘ We would be imprisoning people which would be the wrong thing to do . ’
28 It occurred to us that you 'd be the ideal person to teach him what goes on behind the scenes . ’
29 But if she had missed this one , she would be the laughing stock of her class .
30 Soon she would be the proud keeper of two secrets — the first that Miguel Rafaelo owned Monte Samana , and second that she , Shelley Cameron , would be the only woman to know the true identity of the famous Miguelito .
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