Example sentences of "[pron] would [vb infin] [to-vb] another [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As I said , I work with Phil 's band and Genesis , and there 's usually about a year off in between so I 'd like to do another record of my own . ’
2 ‘ Oh , please wait a minute , I 'd like to have another look . ’
3 Erm I 'd like to pitch another figure into the debate , er because I do n't agree with the County Council on this either .
4 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
5 But it seems a waste of the resources to er have er , ten different meetings for thirty cases we that 's , that 's my view but , I would like to see another report at the next meeting so as we can compare .
6 And I would like to make another quote if I may , he was the one that talked about Scotland being the land of cakes , and brother Scots , where the women made the cakes but he 's only addressing the brother Scots .
7 I would like to add another Oscar , but I 'm worried that she will tear it fin from fin .
8 I switched off the tape , realizing that I would have to listen another time to find out what the preacher was really saying .
9 I was told I would have to have another operation a month later , but first I had to take a course of male hormones called Danazol .
10 She 'd live to fight another day .
11 Even if fitzAlan had not been involved , Isabel knew she would have to find another way to save her brother , because she could not deceive the anxious , sweet-faced lady who was gently explaining her new duties .
12 If you would like to hear another Dinner Party Menu of the Month with a quick Countdown , phone 0839–666 254 .
13 Well I mo moved because promotion was in the line for me , I was in the Royal Marine Police in island depot in Plymouth and er I 'd been put on plain clothes work and I 'd been doing acting sergeant you know when the sergeant was off sick and all that business and er I 'd put , been put in for this to move because we had a two bedroom bungalow but the twins were getting big and I realized that we 'd have to have another bedroom you know , very soon and er , this seemed an opportunity to get a house and also in Plymouth , that Plymouth was a naval town , you see , there was still those days there was still kind of a , a lower deck of sons , what they call lower deckers , in other words you know people in the lower deck of the navy , their sons did n't really have much , ever have much chance of getting into places like Dartmouth College or Cramwell to do as cadets , well the headmaster at Regent Street School had said to me that Keith was very keen on flying , he was aeroplane mad you see , and , he wanted to go in the Royal Air Force , well he said to me he said oh no put him in the Navy and as a chief art as an artificer , so I said oh no , I said if he goes in the Navy or the service I want him to go in the front door not like me the back door , I had ambition for him
14 The next day the letter came and it said we 'd have to find another doctor for my dad
15 Handling the cheques over yesterday John said : ‘ It was great fun and we would love to have another go sometime in the future . ’
16 So then they 'd have to call another van .
17 And I left Rhos-y-Bol when I retired because I felt I they 'd have to have another nurse there , and you see the other nurse would never be able to enjoy the They would always be running to me a and it would n't be fair to another nurse .
18 I got in touch with the publishers and told them they would have to find another translator .
19 Tonight , he would have to try another ruse
20 As the doorman was unreasonable he would have to write another letter .
21 When and if Samantha was restored to her father , he would have to face another kind of reckoning .
22 One day , when he was feeling a little stronger and thought perhaps he would try to start another letter , Mrs Avery appeared at his door .
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