Example sentences of "[pron] would [adv] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather have a turkey ! ’
2 I 'd rather have a couple hours
3 A fucking cake , I 'd rather have a bottle of Gin I 'd prefer to that .
4 That looks a pretty good job , sweeping the floor , though I 'd rather have a go on the sweeping machine .
5 I 'd tell my husband I 'd rather have a change of holiday and not go with our friends .
6 I 'd rather have a meal would n't you ?
7 I 'd rather have a rat in the house than a dog
8 but I mean I 'd rather have a Calibre than that definitely
9 If the worst came to the worst and we did get another president , I would do it , but I 'd rather have a break for a little while .
10 I 'd rather have a racist straight up and on the rocks any day .
11 That most people you know , they wo n't try something like that , I mean , I know I 'm a bit like that myself I 'd sooner have a steak .
12 because I used to have when I used to go around these for breakfast I 'd always have an orange juice and my cereal and then my fried breakfast it 's the only time I 'd eat a fried breakfast .
13 ‘ I actually won quite easily when I expected that I 'd still have a lot to learn , ’ he explains .
14 I 'd maybe have a chat chat with them you know , personal like .
15 I had planned to buy a flat with Geraldine but realized that if — no , when — John came back I would rather have a home all set up for him .
16 Although of course I would rather have a Pissarro .
17 Well what I would what I would do erm I would rather have a commitment for a date to start when you go out of here and if you say if you 've got if you 've got something that comes up then fine .
18 I would rather have an RSPCA worker who retained the capacity to weep than one hardened to the darker necessities of the job .
19 Well I did , I took it , I took it out and said , alright when I went and enquired , I said well I would normally have a cheque book now cos I 'm not always in the bank , and I had this slip to say I do n't need one will come automatically he said oh yes , but that breaking down is hopeless , then I should fill it in now and I 'll take it .
20 So if I were you I would just have a word with your insurance company and make sure that everything 's okay but you 're obviously , they must know that you 've got to leave your er fridge-freezer switched on , so you 've got to have your mains electrics on .
21 But I saw no other way out : I did n't know if I would ever have a chance again . ’
22 The doctors told me I would never have a child of my own .
23 And one final thought — if I ever come across any Crenicichla species ‘ Xingu III they would fit very well into my tank , with the Uaru , and then I would really have a dream come true !
24 Some two million years ago our ancestors began to fashion stone tools and launched an evolutionary career which would ultimately have an impact on the entire planet .
25 Barbie said she 'd rather have a cigarette anyway and gave them back to us , but we could n't break any of them off , so we kept passing this lump backwards and forwards , sucking it and grinding little chunks off it , till we got fed up with it and chucked it on the floor .
26 Since she hardly ever drank , she 'd probably have a hangover to contend with on top of everything else come morning , but frankly it would be a relief to have something else to think about other than Adam .
27 You 'd rather have a day out at York racecourse than at Headingley if truth were known , would n't you ?
28 It 's probably erm , yeah I think you 'd probably have a shot at your yellow .
29 It 's probably erm , yeah I think you 'd probably have a shot at your yellow .
30 And you went to school in the morning but never knew whether your house was going to be there when you got home for dinner or whether you 'd still have a mum and dad and
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