Example sentences of "[pron] would [verb] know [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 and I 'd want to know what it was you were going to shed .
2 As they left , Coffin said to Paul Lane : ‘ I 'd like to know what they were talking about when we got there .
3 ‘ Still , ’ said Toby , ‘ I 'd like to know what they did do .
4 I 'd like to know what they are looking for . ’
5 I 'd like to know what she told you , but I do n't suppose you 'll tell me . ’
6 I 'd like to know who attended the meeting at which the attendance level was set and I 'd like to know what he said on Liverpool 's behalf .
7 I was in agony and I 'd like to know what I should do if it happens again .
8 I 'd like to know what you were up to while I was away , ’ said Constance .
9 I 'd like to know what it is . ’
10 I 'm I 'd like to know what it 's like running Oxford City Council when , and I 'm sure you think you 're doing an good job and many people probably do think you 're a good job , but there are lots of issues that need discussing .
11 I would like to know what I get for that .
12 Now I 'm sure you 'd like to know what I 'm gon na be teaching next week apart from this so if you 'd like to read ahead , we 'll be looking at decision-making in organisations , okay ?
13 If you have any suggestions , grumbles , or general information that you would like fed into the Society , please talk to , — she would like to know what you think anyway !
14 We 'd love to know what yours is : write and tell us , and we 'll pick the best for a future issue ( send to GH Beauty/Best Buy , 72 Broadwick Street , London W1V 2BP ) .
15 We 'd like to know what you think about cellulite .
16 We would like to know who they are , and whether out national members would be interested in joining such groups .
17 They say they 'd appreciate knowing what I originally had in mind , so they can see if it still sounds suitable .
18 They would ask me for the pass I did n't have , then they would want to know what I was doing there .
19 A lot of them related to the data I 'd been passing but also he 'd want to know who I 'd been talking to .
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