Example sentences of "[pron] say [pron] had [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 I said I had n't been playing .
2 Most local hoteliers and guesthouse owners , who said they had not been told of this , left before the vote was taken .
3 She said she had n't been for a while and erm then she said they did n't really know , they wondered how she was gon na get on in the water .
4 She said she had always been interested in science , but had been put off because everyone told her it was n't for girls , only boys .
5 I asked Miss Lofthouse if she 'd seen you and she said you had n't been in this afternoon . ’
6 She said I had not been meant to have this until I was twenty-five , but since I was married and had a child , they had been able to break the trust .
7 You said you had n't been painting .
8 You said you had n't been to a gym in ages .
9 They said they had not been properly consulted about the venue and formed a rival organisation , the Professional Chess Association , to manage the championship .
10 If they said they had not been upset on being told the diagnosis , this actually was the case ; they were not suffering from amnesia .
11 Two days ago they said she had not been assaulted .
12 He said he had n't been in trouble before .
13 He said he had not been told it would be an offence and had not received any advice or information on the disease .
14 He said he had not been told it would be an offence and had not received any advice or information on the disease .
15 He said he had briefly been a Labour Party member in 1974 .
16 He said he had also been offered interviews with ministers in the South African government , so that he could form a balanced judgement , but had declined .
17 Thrill-seeking impulses led them to many momentary and immediate adventures , and it was this period of his life he referred to when he said he had never been in an orgy of more than three people , although he tried ineffectively to promote it a time or two .
18 Manchester City ! ’ he said , continuing the chant which was so like those I had heard at Manchester 's Maine Road ground that I marvelled when he said he had never been to England .
19 He said there had not been , and would not be , any resignations as a result of the ‘ deeply disturbing ’ situation although finance director Ian Phillips will leave in February .
20 He said there had also been no difficulties with the inadmissibility of computer evidence because the council used other sorts of documents to prove its cases .
21 Even more so than he had done the previous time , I said did n't you hear this about this at the station meeting and he said it had n't been brought up .
22 He said it had not been spotted by one of the operatives .
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