Example sentences of "[pron] will not [vb infin] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 In any case , she thought , I 'll not give him the opportunity to try .
2 Perry offers to buy me a drink , but I will not give him the satisfaction .
3 But I wo n't tell you the end !
4 I wo n't give you the satisfaction !
5 She will not say what the item is , claiming ( reasonably ) that she wo n't divulge the secret of a valuable or important item to people she does not know and can hardly be expected to trust .
6 Take her to Nicosia , but only if you will not do her the service of remaining here , in this town , at her side . ’
7 The other thing that tends to throw people the first time they every do ad advocacy is that you 're going to talk to somebody who will not talk to you , who will not s possibly even smile at you , who wo n't give you the usual feedback that we 're u that we 're used to when we 're talking to someone .
8 She wo n't tell us the truth , but I know it , she wets herself , she does n't want it to show on the chairs in school
9 But if he loves her , she wo n't show him the photograph . ’
10 sense in which it 's in their interest not to breach this because you wo n't give them the material they need
11 ‘ I ca n't do anything with the matter if you wo n't give me the details .
12 Whichever side of the transaction you represent , as soon as you 've dispatched or received replies to requisitions ( you ca n't do so before , because you wo n't know what the other side wants or is able to give on completion ) , complete the three agendas " before completion " , " completion " and " after completion " .
13 All these sorts of things are going to be the sorts of things that we 'll bring up in discussion , but you wo n't realize what the problems are until you tried doing it .
14 I for one will not give her the satisfaction of even seeming to care .
15 What the right-wingers are saying is that we will have the trade unions ' money but we will not give 'em the right to vote .
16 It is hardly surprising that a tiny minority of the signatories are now beginning to say , ’ We will not do what the treaty calls upon us to do ; we will do what the United Kingdom does . ’
17 Oh jolly good , we wo n't ask what the fee was .
18 But he said we wo n't charge you the daily rate , we 'll just charge you for the job .
19 You 've got £1.70 , the ticket costs £1.72 and they wo n't give you the ticket .
20 its , it , the other truck drivers and I have to say that erm to a certain extent you do need to be forceful and positive because er they need a lot of space to manoeuvre on the road and a lot of people who drive cars do n't quite realize how much space they need and if they wo n't give you the space you have to take it .
21 Before an interview , ask the interviewer what ground he wants to cover , though he wo n't tell you the actual questions .
22 Not long ago he was on the phone to me moaning about Paul saying , he wo n't give me the time of day .
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