Example sentences of "[pron] will [adv] [be] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Another month of this and I 'll not be able to put a meal on the table . ’
2 I 'll not be able to see the board .
3 Some manipulation , I dare say , but gentle massage — and then , once the spasms and the pain have gone , Jimbo will be so grateful that I 'll easily be able to persuade him to start his own passive exercises . ’
4 ‘ Even if it 's only for one or two games it 's something I 'll always be able to look back on with pride . ’
5 Even if the weather is bad I 'll still be able to slip away there because it has a shelter which was included in the sale .
6 I cried and cried and I memorised my passport number , 'cause I thought , ‘ If I lose everything , at least I 'll still be able to get home . ’
7 But now that this has happened I 'll never be able to join you in the convent .
8 I 'll never be able to do it ’ .
9 I 'll never be able to do it myself
10 I 'll never be able to take his food away .
11 and his mate had one and he had the other one and he said I 'll never be able to use them he said and they 're in the way , can you do anything with them ?
12 If it is the right one , I 'll never be able to see what 's inside ! ’
13 ‘ I 'll make her my wife , ’ he declared to himself , ‘ or I 'll never be able to concentrate on work again ! ’
14 I 'll never be able to read it back .
15 ‘ I hope you 've got a good plan , Thing , ’ he panted , as the four of them dodged between the bushes , ‘ because I 'll never be able to get you all the way up there . ’
16 ‘ Oh , if she 's vain , Billy Smallbury , I 'll never be able to look at her !
17 I 'll never be able to accept what happened , but at least it should never be repeated … ’
18 Knowing my luck I 'll only be able to afford a weekend break in Bognor Regis , especially as my measly wage has only gone up by fourpence in the last two years .
19 Oh boy , I 'll certainly be able to take it in . ’
20 " I do n't think I 'll ever be able to do that . "
21 ‘ Look , Bernie , I have n't been able to bring myself to tell you this , but I 'm not sure if I 'll ever be able to go back on stage .
22 I wonder if I 'll ever be able to get that word out ? "
23 It was something I do n't think I 'll ever be able to forget , the twinkling tree and the boot-polished , worried faces everywhere in the darkness .
24 With a little bit of orchestration , and the application of a few time-tested psychic tricks , I will soon be ready to steer her into a shocking spur-of-the-moment theological and sexual conversion .
25 This month I will also be embarrassed to allow my father-in-law , who is a Frenchman and a rugby enthusiast , to read a magazine that has again disgraced itself by using a humourless title such as ‘ Frog March ’ ( April 1992 page 20 ) which would be more at home in The Sun newspaper .
26 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
27 Does this mean that , without the third position MC , I will not be able to do the Fair Isle patterns where the MC position is shown on them .
28 When Debré protested that the people would not understand his departure , de Gaulle replied : " I will not be able to do what I want to do , it is too late …
29 I am 22 , but I will not be able to earn my first salary until I reach 24 .
30 I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend the concert at which my hon. Friend will be singing .
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