Example sentences of "[pron] can not [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 I use these three then I 'll put my thingies in cos I ca n't be bothered to erm change .
2 We are led inexorably towards Kingsley and Redford squaring up for a mental duel between software equals , one barmily convinced that He Who Has The Database Rules The World and the other on the side of human compassion which ca n't be reduced to byte-size chunks .
3 At a later stage , if errors are found in the procedure 's performance which can not be traced to a falling within the local system , it may be necessary to examine these influencing factors further , for instance the design of the form might be inadequate for the accurate recording of information , a factor outside the direct control of the section involved .
4 It applies to all those thoughts of the human mind which are real enough to the thinker , but which can not be converted to physical things and detected by the five senses of sight , hearing , touch , taste and smell .
5 4.3 Once again , our interpretation has consequences for grammaticality and linguistic form which match observable data : First , it implies , inter alia , that adjectives which can not be ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase — such as the associatives — will be unacceptable here , just as they are in postnominal attributive position , and this is indeed the case : ( 19 ) how did the Ministry send their expert ? they sent their expert well-briefed they sent their expert meteorological ( 20 ) how do you find the new flag ? we find the flag gaudy we find the flag national
6 The Salvationists associated together ‘ for a purpose which can not be said to be otherwise than lawful and laudable , or at all events can not be called unlawful ’ .
7 But what about those conflicts that do not take place within such a constituted social system , such as conflictual bourgeois societies which can not be said to be unified , except , as Sartre suggests dismissively , by appeal to a lost paradise before the class struggle ?
8 In adjudicating , a meaning is attributed to a rule of law which can not be said to be correct or incorrect .
9 In ethno-linguistic terms the ‘ oldest ’ peoples of Siberia are those speaking the ‘ Palaeoasiatic , languages , which can not be related to any known families of languages outside Siberia .
10 ‘ There are certain eternal values which can not be put to referendum , ’ he announced .
11 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
12 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the person to whom it is applied .
13 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the colour , race , nationality or ethnic origins of the person to whom it is applied .
14 It followed that the proper jurisdictional limits were the same as those applying to subpoenas , which can not be addressed to persons outside the United Kingdom .
15 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
16 The conclusion to the argument will be that there is a specific form of violence of a political kind outside of state control which can not be reduced to crime .
17 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
18 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
19 He has pointed out that both our own experience and Marx 's writings suggest that changes result from a disparate collection of circumstances which can not be reduced to a single contradiction , but are jointly sufficient for a situation to become volatile .
20 To say that these factors of context , conjuncture and wider conditionality are ‘ extra-discursive ’ does not mean that discourses do not enter into their determination , only that they involve processes which can not be reduced to this effect .
21 So somehow you , you , you , you 've got to get these ideas through th that you you 've recognized that it , it 's , it 's necessary to move on beyond the pol the moderate policies of the United Front but you ca n't be seen to be doing that .
22 Erm yeah er mm yeah no I 'm quite intrigued myself about this , this idea that erm somehow it 's heterosexuals who trus who are trustworthy and that , you know , once you have a sexuality that 's different from heterosexuality then you ca n't be trusted with children and you , you know you , you ca n't be trusted to er you know I do n't know , run boys ' clubs , you ca n't be trusted in , in a , you know , it 's sort of , it 's almost like , like erm er it , it almost flies in the face of evidence that the vast majority of sexual abuse that goes on of one sort or another is , is heterosexual , it 's
23 But when you first started when you 're not quite sure what 's happening you ca n't be expected to be perfect the first time you have a go at something can you .
24 140 civilians work at the base and those who ca n't be transferred to other defence jobs will be made redundant .
25 There was , too , the how-dun-it , the book in which it soon becomes evident who the murderer is but in which he or she can not be brought to satisfying justice unless some ingenious , proof-defying method used is brought to light .
26 I have been there three times , but each time they say I must go back to the Home Office and try to get my daughter a visa for longer than a six months ' stay in Britain ; otherwise she can not be admitted to school .
27 A As you have had such success in breeding your fish , and raising the fry to a reasonable size , you can not be judged to be doing anything wrong .
28 Some change is certainly necessary , but by itself can not be said to be sufficient or specific .
29 We can not be seen to be throwing more resources at solving this murder , but the truth is , that is what we are doing . ’
30 Previous studies have not investigated the role of population mixing in the Dounreay-Thurso area , though they have shown that the excess of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma there can not be attributed to paternal nuclear employment or irradiation before the child 's conception .
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