Example sentences of "[pron] or [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , well I think that we ought to get them or somebody to put a retraction , I mean we dare n't do it ourselves , but I think in next month 's
2 She could remember someone or something smashing the back of her head , and then taking the high dive into ice-cream country .
3 As each succeeds she or he passes the cup to the next person until everyone has had their turn .
4 The worker is defined as a free agent since she or he has the freedom to choose his or her employer .
5 An easy way to remember how to do this is to ask yourself a question ‘ who or what did the action ? ’ and place the answer before the verb .
6 That if you like , er , and I 've used this example before but I 'll use it again , it was quite interesting I think anyway , is that one of the examples we used on one of courses , is that somebody calls into the depot and says , I need help , I 've got to get this delivered by tomorrow and collections or you or whoever takes the call , is very excited because this person says it 's three hundred and fifty kilos and I need it today , it 's Durham , we 'll use Durham , we 're starting from here , in Durham tomorrow morning .
7 The number density of energetic ions and electrons is so high that were you or I to cross the belt we would receive 500 times the lethal dose of such particles .
8 Once upon a time you had a dream — that you lived in a world of simple market forces where everything or everybody had a price or value .
9 Taking that principle as a starting point , an attempt was made in Belfast to assign to the fieldworker a clear social identity which allowed him or her to claim a role in the community .
10 Be sure that you spell out specific words and deeds : if a teenager complains about a younger sibling , ask him or her to take the child on an outing .
11 Absence for seven years , coupled with the fact that a petitioner has no reason to believe that his or her spouse is alive , will enable him or her to ask the court to make a declaration that death is presumed and that the marriage is dissolved .
12 The hard graft may be persuading him or her to do the job .
13 Whilst there may still be a feeling that a High Court writ will have a greater threatening effect on a recalcitrant defendant than a county court summons , inducing him or her to settle the claim , the changes to the costs rules , and the harmonisation of remedies , will lessen the attractiveness of such action .
14 For example , it may be better to provide a schizophrenia sufferer with personal transportation to enable him or her to reach a day centre rather than laying on transportation .
15 By fighting back only when the bully attacks you , you are allowing him or her to pick the time and the place that suits them ; it may be a good idea to reverse the roles .
16 Customer Care — If a customer 's car is off the road for more than 24 hours waiting for a component to arrive , Renault 's Customer Courtesy Service allows him or her to use a replacement vehicle free of charge until the part is delivered and the problem rectified .
17 So , for example , it may be that a keen walker would have a special interest in a stretch of country where he or she frequently walked which would entitle him or her to challenge a decision to grant planning permission to develop it , whereas an ordinary member of the public or even of some environmental group in a different area might not have .
18 They might want him or her to have a key , you know and er and just ran the keys up on a thing like that , you know what I mean , they was never out of the person 's possession .
19 However , if a defendant delays submitting a defence unduly , the court has power to order him or her to deliver a defence or risk being debarred from defending the action at all .
20 Sponsorship is an ever-dwindling means for the professional artist to attract the necessary financial backing to enable him or her to organise an exhibition .
21 A warning should be sounded that a candidate whose work experience has not equipped him or her to handle the case study paper is unlikely to pass it on the strength of a little practice and revision course .
22 If this is indeed the respondent 's belief , we want him or her to advance the idea spontaneously , so we might have : ‘ Had you any difficulty in making the choice of subjects that you study ? ’ ;
23 In situations where the student is working with a literate language assistant , he/she should ask him or her to keep a note-book in which to record mistakes the student makes , both inside and outside the classroom .
24 Public law remedies will enable him or her to establish the illegality of the order ; but , unless the applicant can take advantage of some statutory provision for compensation , he or she will have to establish an entitlement to damages in private law if the damage is to be made good by monetary compensation .
25 A duty solicitor had an obligation to provide advice to persons in custody and , if desired , to make a bail application ; he or she had a discretion to provide advice and representation to defendants , whether or not in custody , in cases involving imprisonable offences , and even in connection with non-imprisonable offences in exceptional cases .
26 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
27 Similarly , in order for occupation of land to amount to a tenancy , the courts have held that the claimant must show that he or she had the right to , and did , exclude the landlord .
28 Because the definition of ‘ informal carer ’ can be so vague , we decided to focus on each person 's principal carer ( if there was one ) , defined on the objective criterion that he or she spent a minimum of seven hours per week ( on average one hour per day ) doing things with or on behalf of the dementia sufferer , rather than rely on the more subjective criterion of who appears to be most responsible for the sufferer .
29 The manager is the manager because he or she takes the job on .
30 It is afterwards when the prospective guest writes to the hotel that he or she requires a room between certain dates that an offer is made .
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