Example sentences of "[pron] do [vb infin] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe this year I 'll finally manage it if I begin now , though I do have other special presents to make too !
2 I do have slight vegetarian principles like I think it 's disgusting to use animals for luxury things like cosmetics or fur coats but food is a different matter ’ .
3 The high cost of the meeting , though , kept away many bright young people , and the older established scientists who did come presented familiar work .
4 The great thing about only having a licence fee is that you do retain complete editorial control and all the rights .
5 They must , for example , be able to think of themselves as ‘ the sort of person who does have incestuous sexual desires ’ , is prepared to avow them as ‘ part ’ of the self , and ceases to be so threatened by them .
6 Erm for what it 's worth , I 'll give you my suggestions about what we should do as far as ticket prices are concerned er , having taken in a view of the most important factor of the treasurer 's comments but also bearing in mind that we did have high recurring expenses this year , which wo n't apply in future and we 're not here to make money .
7 There are no concessions on Fridays and Saturdays ( except for Saver Ticket holders ) , but we do offer substantial concessionary prices on Mondays to Thursdays , when senor citizens , UB40 holders , students and children under 16 can buy their tickets for just £5.00 — and anyone can buy a ticket for £5.00 for any night during preview weeks ( see diary for details ) .
8 There do exist excellent WYSIWYG systems that are centred on the logical nature of material , notably Grif and Quill .
9 However , they do possess certain residual powers and , for example , it has been held that they can bring an action on behalf of the company against a debentureholder for the improper exercise of his powers .
10 Thus , although these outer-city neighbourhoods do not to a casual observer differ much from the inner city in language , they do exhibit clear social differences .
11 Yet they do indicate certain interesting patterns .
12 In fact , native speakers do overlap here ; they do have differential phonological rules controlling the distribution of /a/ and /Ε/,; and they do make spelling mistakes involving a and e .
13 As a result , the Whig MP John Hervey had to work extremely hard to cultivate the corporation , and although he did use various financial incentives , he found that the best way to keep their support was by serving their interests both locally and in Parliament .
14 Where he did have strong personal views , he proved less willing or less able to implement them over the opposition of others .
15 However , it did benefit certain social classes in certain areas .
16 I never had a lot to do with the pig 's head , but it did make lovely potted meat .
17 For example , de Gaulle 's December 1944 meeting with Stalin , which led to the signing of a Franco-Soviet pact , did not bring any substantial diplomatic advantage to France ( although it did have favourable domestic repercussions ) .
18 Yes , he says , he does meet fellow Vietnamese workers who used to be in Germany but , no , they do not discuss politics .
19 Nevertheless , it does bring senior civil servants into the task of policy formation in a way that seeks to by-pass MPs .
20 It makes a beautiful 6ft ( T.8m ) shrub , but it does need dry sunny weather to get the blooms to open .
21 It does have serious administrative difficulties , though , unless the whole income tax system is reformed and further computerised .
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