Example sentences of "[pron] they [vb mod] do [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So everybody bar the PE teacher hated me playing football and everything they could do to stop me playing football they did .
2 Those that like the Macintosh System love it : those that do n't like it detest the idea of that mass of graphical software between them and their applications , between them and the processor : like the nervous flyer , they hate the feeling that they are not in control , that if something goes wrong , there is absolutely nothing they can do to save themselves .
3 The worst thing was that it appeared there was nothing they could do to stop it ; the players had hardly a shred of belief left in themselves , and Gower was unable to instil any .
4 Precisely what they would do to justify their share of the precious filtered air in the bunker is unclear , although only marginally less so than the process by which they were chosen for the job in the first place .
5 If he 's got a job there , and he 's done it well or he 's done it badly , tell him he 's done it badly , tell them where they 've gone wrong and tell them what they should do to put it right .
6 The speaker in the afternoon was Sue Beardon , of Voluntary Action-Leeds , and she helped delegates understand what they must do to prepare themselves for the new ways of working .
7 So if I were you , I 'd nip over to the Company Health Club for a couple of hours , tidy yourself up a bit , and see what they can do to lick your wounds . ’
8 The massive publicity onslaught is being mounted by the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council , and aims to inform sufferers of what help is available and even what they can do to help themselves .
9 As the EC role increases , many people are asking what they can do to influence its decision-making process .
10 Yet , the medicalization of health within our society has left people generally unaware of what they can do to maintain their own health .
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