Example sentences of "[pron] they [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was held by Salmon J. in Mount v. Jay & Jay Ltd. ( 1959 Q.B. ) where the buyers wrote their own delivery order which they sent off to the sub-purchaser .
2 She therefore deduced that crude anthropomorphism is something which children are taught , not necessarily intentionally , in fact probably not intentionally at all , but it is something which they pick up from the comments which they hear and the deductions which they make .
3 At the time of weddings , a group of women and children came across the fields with baskets and scarves full of sweets and rice which they touched down under the holy tree to be blessed , before going back the same way they 'd come .
4 The children also collected small change from their piggy banks which they laid out on the school hall floor .
5 The dressmaker called , and the merciless corsetière , and two obsequious men from Bodmin with bolts of wools and flannels and silks which they laid out across the drawing-room sofa for Aunt Emily to see .
6 The males are larger than the females and have modified tail feathers ( left ) and enlarged white oesophageal sacs which they puff up during the ‘ strut ’ display ( right ) .
7 Nearby , little boys were playing with brightly coloured diamond-shaped kites which they flew up into the warm evening breeze .
8 The highlight of the course for many pupils is definitely the extended project which they carry out over the first two terms , tapping the wide network of apparatus available in the Department for work at this level .
9 Dog transport was also the norm among the settled coastal Koryaks , Chukchis and Eskimos of the arctic regions of the extreme north-east , whose main source of food was walrus , seals and whales , to hunt which they ventured out on the cold arctic waters in boats made of walrus hide .
10 Yet Lankester often ignored this warning in his own work , and suggested that all forms of life can be ranked into grades defined by the point at which they branched off from the main line of progress towards humankind .
11 Some of the larger birds , like the blackbirds and thrushes , often risk a little dive-bombing , in which they swoop down on the owl from a distance of about 30 feet , heading straight for it , and then swerve aside only at the very last moment , when they are no more than a foot away .
12 The formation of the commercial basis of the kingdoms is not uniform and geography must have played an important part in the speed with which they evolved out of the less commercial exchanges of primitive valuables between earlier corporate descent groups and cohesive political units .
13 With the dog at heel beside him they walked round to the rear of the house .
14 So the ideal as far as federal government is concerned is they , they devise policy guidelines and they provide financial inducements to states to implement various programmes but when it comes down to it they run up against the rock of the constitution and the constitution says that the states derive their authority from this sacred document and they are not to be tampered with and the consequence is that America has , not only a federal government , but fifty state governments er and those state governments are large enterprises which enjoy wide initiative and they contributors , contribute to the divi diversity of the United States as a political system .
15 All they care about is what they gouge out of the ground and grind into profit ’ .
16 It 's just a bit unfortunate in my opinion , what they put up in the place .
17 This was what they told one another , and what they wrote down in The Book of Nome .
18 " Were it not for what they receive out of the tax … they would not knit or spin for so small wages , as they receive for that work , because they would starve by it . "
19 What it gave them was a visible stage , a public platform — and what they gave back to the ‘ end ’ was a sense of itself , a common life-style .
20 ‘ We have to listen to what they want out of the Association .
21 For most Americans , it is simply what they fly over on the way to either coast .
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