Example sentences of "[pron] have been [v-ing] about the " in BNC.

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1 On the boat , I had been reading about the shooting of Fergal Caraher at the South Armagh checkpoint at Cullyhanna and now , in the darkness , as details of the story flooded back , I decided against pressing the buzzer .
2 I realised that I had been talking about the convent without explanation or location .
3 This year I 've been thinking about the many faces of the moon and the wonderfully romantic and lovely patterns you can achieve with the moon as your theme , whether it 's a slender crescent or full harvest , hunter 's or honey moon .
4 Seeing Derek 's puzzled look , she added : ‘ You mentioned the Spanish Civil War and I 've been thinking about the message the kidnappers told me to use to contact them . ’
5 ‘ No , but then I 've been thinking about the amniocentesis .
6 ‘ You see , I 've been learning about the city .
7 Although I 've been writing about the latest machines this month , I shall be including the older models in later articles .
8 What the hell do you think I 've been talkin' about the last few minutes ?
9 I HAVE been hearing about the latest ‘ in ’ birthday present for dad , and it does n't matter how old the old boy is .
10 I have been talking about the different levels at which reason operates in relation to individual disciplines : we can take up stances within disciplines , across disciplines , and in being critical of disciplines as a whole .
11 I 've listened to a lot of interest to the people who 've been commenting about the future and the schools and the young children coming in .
12 Cos the various things you 've been saying about the rich peasant economy , I mean
13 Opposite adjacent this is what you 've been talking about the a the angle is n't it .
14 She had been talking about the rumble with the Daughters of the American Revolution , playing with Seth 's glasses , putting them on and taking them off .
15 My daughter thought no more of it than if she had been talking about the delivery of a letter because in her world the fax , like the video recorder , the personal computer and the microwave oven , has always been around .
16 Hugh , who had been reading about the dangers of having a smoker as a cohabitee , waved his handkerchief through the air and moved to the edge of the terrace .
17 Hector , who had been gambolling about the porch , slunk in behind her , depressed by the angry voices .
18 We 've been talking about the events in Beirut . ’
19 What do you think about this statue and all these trees we 've been talking about the ones around by Marks and Spencers yes ?
20 Now let me push on a bit and erm I wo n't ask you to write this down , but when we , we 've been talking about the state now what are the characteristics of the state ?
21 The governor 's thing is coming about quite useful tonight because we 've been talking about the law as regards governors and parents ' rights and what you 're supposed to ask parents
22 Well we 've been talking about the benefits which the local firms obviously gain from the work that 's going on here , but the question could be asked , what benefit do the academics in the University and also the students gain from the , the programme ?
23 We 've been talking about the amount of coverage on television and we do have one or two more callers on the same subject , but if you want to broaden the discussion out to other aspects of what 's going on in the Gulf , do feel free .
24 Yet it was from Samsova , says Cohan , that the idea for A Midsummer Night 's Dream originally came : ‘ We had been talking about the company doing Forrest , one of my earlier works , when Galina mentioned The Dream .
25 You may feel that we have been exaggerating about the goodies we like to consume causing us shape and health problems .
26 So far we have been talking about the flow of information from the company , but It can be equally important for management to receive information on how the world is thinking about the company and its activities , about rival companies and about the industry in which it operates .
27 So far we have been talking about the reciprocity of all discourse in the broadest of terms , connecting it to the mechanisms of dialogue only generally by saying that monologues are often constructed with the receiver in mind .
28 They have been thinking about the long-term future and have concluded that it will be very difficult to impose nuclear weapons on a population that is generally opposed to them .
29 Suddenly the penny dropped , and Meredith knew why he 'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion .
30 He had been thinking about the Doctor 's earlier words , that he should get used to obeying Henri , and had come to the conclusion that doing as he said no longer suited him .
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