Example sentences of "[pron] have been [v-ing] in the " in BNC.

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1 Since I 'd been living in the flat , Shadwell had been coming to see Eva at least once a week , during the day , when Dad was at the office .
2 I 'd been living in the country with my wife when she died unexpectedly .
3 By the time the rope went tight I had been standing in the same spot for nearly an hour and a half .
4 I had been shooting in the lonely hills in the north of England .
5 Cameraman Martyn Colbeck , our Russian and Tadjik helpers and I had been filming in the mountains and soda lakes of the eastern Pamirs , a few miles from the Chinese border .
6 I 've had a great deal of fun reviewing Animation Works Interactive , so much so that I 've been staying in the office well past my normal time just to play with it .
7 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
8 I 've been bowling in the nets for the last two weeks .
9 There was a brief silence then Gerald spoke up : ‘ I 've seen the safe open several times since I 've been working in the business .
10 I 've been working in the sextry for four years and he 's been there all that time .
11 ‘ What I 've been doing in the last few weeks , long overdue , is to match up these various components .
12 Sorry , I 've been laughing in the kitchen you see , that 's what it is !
13 ‘ Sorry to be a pest , ’ Travis apologised , ‘ but I saw you come back without Naylor , ’ and while Leith was rapidly trying to find an excuse for her return to the house without the man everyone knew she had gone walking with , she found that Travis was too involved with his own miseries to want to delve into hers , for he went on , ‘ I 've been sitting in the library thinking about Rosemary , and getting more and more uptight about our situation , when you ran in and I started to think about phoning her .
14 I thought , I thought someone had been smoking in the toilets .
15 I HAVE been reading in the News about whether or not there is some justification for today 's young men being a bit too pushy towards girls .
16 I have been living in the city for three years and if I were to go to the estates now they would n't give me work .
17 I have been living in the same bungalow now for 10 years , and it seems no easier now than it was 10 years ago to find staff .
18 For over thirty years I have been teaching in the public schools of New York City .
19 ‘ I might not be the youngest but I have a great deal of knowledge which I have been using in the field of local and regional government for years . ’
20 In recent days , he wrote , perhaps because Spring is upon us , I have been putting in the hours but the intensity has gone .
21 As a graduate in art history I have been working in the commercial fine art market for several years and frankly I am tired of hearing how galleries make soul destroying demands on artists to become more commercial .
22 In 1613 , for example , the king married his daughter Elizabeth to Frederick of the Palatinate , one of the leading figures of European Calvinism ; similarly , in 1618 four representatives of the English church attended the Synod of Dort , the conference called to resolve the bitter dispute which had been raging in the United Provinces over the doctrine of predestination .
23 Raynor had fetched wine from a corner cupboard , and was heating it with a thin iron rod which had been resting in the fire 's embers .
24 The conference would be held in the USA under the auspices of the UN , which had been mediating in the Cyprus conflict since Turkey invaded and occupied 37 per cent of the island in 1974 [ see pp. 26661-66 ; 26709-10 ] .
25 The alarm that such a prospect generated in England was real and intense : in March 1336 Philip VI ordered the French fleet which had been assembling in the Mediterranean for a crusade to transfer to the mouth of the Seine , and Edward felt convinced that Philip was planning a large-scale invasion of England .
26 She picked up a little knife which had been lying in the lap of one of the dolls .
27 But if England and Wales were to provide them with the right context come this Saturday , Mike Teague — who has been shortening in the betting and who was integral to the Lions ' strategy under the same coach , McGeechan , in Australia in 1989 — and either Emyr Lewis or Richard Webster could win the two blindside berths .
28 She 'd been waitressing in the dining-room for breakfast and lunch .
29 Even when she 'd been helping in the kitchen she 'd found her eyes straying , as if magnetised , in his direction .
30 Well okay , that was a time she 'd been camping in the Lake District , Mrs did .
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