Example sentences of "[pron] that [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He told me that he meant me no harm , but was a magician , who had made the music play around me , and wished to have my hand in marriage and live in my castle , with me and my brother , in peace hereafter .
2 These recent watercolours , larger , bolder and stronger than his earlier work , pleased me so much when first I saw them that I offered him an exhibition at Abbot Hall .
3 He spoke already in terms of collaboration — ‘ I sent you a few studies because you can see from them that she helps me a great deal by posing .
4 I 've told you that it gives me a terrific edge in any sale where Kemp 's a bidder .
5 Another experience was when he was praying before the crucifix in San Damiano and it seemed to him that it gave him the message , " Build my church " , which he immediately interpreted quite literally as , " Save this church from crumbling into ruins " .
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