Example sentences of "[pron] that [pron] have [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 When I was a kid , in Hull , my father and mother took me to Hessle to have tea with his boss , and I remember Mother telling me that she had stayed up half the night making me a new sailor suit and saying , ‘ Behave yourself , Bill .
2 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
3 Marcus told himself that he had muddled up some bears , examined his own dream , concluded it told him nothing he did n't know , and decided not to report it to Mr Rose .
4 Autism is a very profound cognitive deficit indeed , and everything that I have said up to now entails that a person whose thinking significantly lacks an holistic character , and lacks the related qualities of directedness , inhibition and co-ordination , will be profoundly affected .
5 Is there anything that you think needs to be changed , something that you 've picked up as a result of your study you , you feel ought to be changed in the school system ?
6 in the last one that she 's chained up to that big fat slug thing and they 're all being pushed over the edge of that big pit
7 A , a , nice one that you 've brought up , Jane .
8 to the one that I 've come up with erm I E the white headrail and
9 Rumour has it that he has taken up residence in the port of Leith , near enough to Edinburgh but , should matters go wrong , the best place for his departure by land or sea .
10 I thought to myself that I had landed up in a place without an inch of ground to call my own .
11 I told myself that I had to face up to things ; John might have forgotten me , he might have been changed beyond recognition by his experiences ; he would not want me to mope .
12 The traffic implications of what is proposed are enormous , and I hope that British Rail and the Government will take cognisance of the fact that we do not want to create around King 's Cross a traffic jam far worse than anything that we have to put up with at present .
13 I had everything in in the house any anything that they 'd brought up early beforehand .
14 Compared with anything that they have dreamed up , it is a clear-cut , simple scheme .
15 At first I was doubtful about taking him , for he did not look strong ; but the Sandfords assured us that he had stood up to several long treks with them , invariably producing good meals even under the most unfavourable conditions , that he never interfered with other people , and was always ready to lend a hand at any job .
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