Example sentences of "[pron] he be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A statute is , after all , the formal and complete intimation to the citizen of a particular rule of the law which he is enjoined , sometimes under penalty , to obey and by which he is both expected and entitled to regulate his conduct .
2 There , between 1647 and 1655 Taylor wrote the books for which he is best known and kept the flame of his proscribed Church alive under the rule of parliament and Cromwell .
3 The debtor remains in a sense owner ; he has a new sort of equitable ownership , ‘ an equity of redemption ’ , which he is only to lose after the court has given him ample opportunity to repay , and it becomes plain to the court that he can not or will not pay .
4 It was from the caravan that he ran People Against Nuclear Power , with its acronym PANUP , the small organization of which he was both founder and president .
5 Not every funeral furnisher was able to go independent , and relied on the wholesalers to provide items for which he was rarely asked and consequently had no need to stock .
6 Having eaten two packets of bacon-flavoured potato crisps , he had purchased another tube of Rowntree 's Fruit Gums , which he was now enjoying while waiting for the lights to dim .
7 Bonnie Prince Charlie was also a Catholic , another of the facts for which he was never forgiven and another contribution to the ambivalence he excites .
8 He believed that he would have to give up a career to which he was deeply committed and which had promised to be highly successful .
9 What he is mainly denying when he denies that there are final causes in nature is that the existence of each individual sort of thing is to be explained by its serving some cause beyond it , in particular some kind of human interest .
10 honourable member what he 's really saying as I understand it Madam Speaker is there 's too much bureaucracy and the bureaucracy is going to prevent anybody acting because they 're all overlapping , they 're all paid out of presumably the public purse as well , there 's a there 's a enormous number of public off officials that is preventing er a a clear direct , exes executive arm .
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