Example sentences of "[pron] he [modal v] not [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You know , I he must n't pushed me , that man , who that keeps asking me out .
2 ( Gregory 's slogan was : ‘ That which he could not assume he could not heal . ’ )
3 For it was , in truth , as if his legs followed a route from which he could not turn them back — along the sales signs in Oxford Street occupied by a bedraggled army of Christmas bargain hunters , and off that up to the grandiose frontage of the hotel .
4 " Graham 's obviously so speechless with you he wo n't introduce you to me .
5 Something he will not tell me ? ’
6 and you wonder why you 're losing all your matches cos every time the ball comes to him he ca n't trap it or if he does he kicks it the wrong way
7 Occasionally I might buy him the big third Mac , the third Big Mac , just to prove to him he ca n't eat it , and this establishes in the superego a , that the , the superego to some extent speaks for reality and , and the reality sense is part of the , is part of the standards which are built into , which are built into the superego , and to , and therefore to a large extent the superego opposes the pleasure principle that operates in the id .
8 If you put a pint of beer out for him he would n't drink it .
9 ‘ I do n't believe he likes Brownies , ’ she confided to her best friend , Mary Trent , ‘ and if he does n't and Brown Owl married him he might not want her to go on being our Brown Owl . ’
10 Tom told him he should n't do it , should tell them he was n't going to co-operate any more .
11 I told him he could n't push me around any more like a football from one job to another .
12 ‘ Good God , there was a time I saw him — still but a child , to be sure — playing his fingers in her hair with such warmth and love in his face , such concentrated attention , as if it so fascinated him he could not leave it alone .
13 It was , he thought , to tell him he could not trust him .
14 Gandalf tells him that since he is not in a position to pass judgement on everyone he should not pass it on one person .
15 He promised me he would n't watch them again , yet I know he does , even though he knows how much they upset me .
16 When I said I was a feminist he became abrupt , as if his time was precious , and told me he could n't help me .
17 He said he talked to himself in prison to keep himself sane , but if you told him he was still doing it he would n't believe you . ’
18 When he himself entered it he could n't see him ahead or on either side , although in most places the bracken and undergrowth was flat .
19 And he he could n't do it , he could n't concentrate .
20 Needless to say he might have a tendency to end up doing what he would n't want them doing amongst slurry and such like but .
21 If Christian catches us he wo n't have you back on the farm again . ’
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