Example sentences of "[pron] have bring [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had brought John down to Sandwich to help him forget what they had been through , but he was haunted by what he had learnt and seen behind the Iron Curtain .
2 They arrived safely and were met by the royal purveyor from Kinghorn ( also called Alexander ) who had brought horses down to the beach for the royal party ; these included the King 's favourite , a white mare called Tamesin which he had left at Kinghorn for the Queen 's own use .
3 We have brought pride back to Teesside and we want to go on to greater things . ’
4 If he had been walking out with any other girl in service in the town they could have stayed in on a wet night and talked by the kitchen range , but with the Hogans hovering around he had to bring Patsy out into the rain .
5 ever been on where he 's brought money home with him .
6 Whatever had brought Berowne again to that vestry it had been a human hand , his or another 's , which had wielded that razor .
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