Example sentences of "[pron] have see [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd seen them in the shops marked down , as a Christmas offer , to around nine hundred quid .
2 I 'd seen him in the Feathers , surly in his own corner of the Snug , not liked by , not liking , the other villagers .
3 I told him that I 'd seen her in the company of a minder I did n't like the look of and that I 'd followed them to Woolwich .
4 ‘ I told her I 'd seen you over the weekend , ’ she relayed .
5 I 'd seen it along the end of the track .
6 Anyway I went there and I was impressed , I 'd seen it from the ship and I completely concur with everything that 's been said .
7 Might I have seen you on the Great White Way ? ’
8 — I believe I am anything but candid : in fact — I am naturally suspicious — & exceedingly reserved , the first good quality arises from my having seen plenty of the evil part of the world from my youth up — the second from being but very little used to company or society — for — excepting Mr. Yarrell — ( whom Mrs. Hewitson & Atkinson know , ) — to whom I go to study bones & muscles — I do n't know a single person in all London to visit intimately . ’
9 I had seen them with the eyes of a young buy , but Edward who knew them well was able to interpret them with the mind of a man .
10 This was the first time I had seen him since the landings .
11 There was Barrymore , with the light in his hand , looking out across the moor , exactly as I had seen him on the night before .
12 I 've to see them at the bank shortly — there 's that Buttering to be fixed , and no money for it wi'out they 'll give me a loan . ’
13 I 've seen him at the club many times .
14 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
15 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
16 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
17 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
18 Yeah I 've seen him on the telly
19 He 's got a week 's growth of beard which seems to be permanent , judging from the times I 've seen him in the past .
20 But I 've seen them on the pictures .
21 Well I 've seen them on the l lawn so that
22 mm , I 've seen them on the front that 's all yeah , mm
23 I 've seen them at the shop , paying their bills .
24 I 've seen them with the tiles .
25 I 've seen them in the fashion magazines and I must say , they sure are special .
26 That shop , I do n't know what the name of that shop is , but I 've seen them in the window lately
27 I du n no , I du n no who she 's going out with , but I 've seen her , I 've seen her in the car in the morning when I , like this morning I was walking in , she was in the car just getting the old , but I do n't know if he works here or not , she 's got to be going out with somebody .
28 I 've seen her behind the bar in that dress , many nights .
29 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
30 After all , I 've seen myself in the mirror .
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