Example sentences of "[pron] have be taken to the " in BNC.

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1 Francis came to tell us about arrangements for the funeral and he brought with him one of my father 's pictures which had been taken to the shop for framing .
2 Her family heard she had been taken to the Regional Command Military camp in Legaspi City .
3 Et cetera , the et cetera going on to explain that she had been taken to the hospital and there examined by Doctor Bright in the presence of Constable Makepeace .
4 CASE STUDY 3.4 — MR HAMISH A social worker was called to see an old man in his seventies who had been taken to the police station for shoplifting a tin of corned beef .
5 She 's been taken to the Seabourne General Hospital . ’
6 Although the women prisoners have not been subjected to the brutal beatings and searches which have taken place in the men 's prisons , they have been taken to the National Police headquarters for interrogation under torture .
7 He had been taken to the fourth floor at exactly the time of his appointment .
8 He had been taken to the Colonel 's bungalow .
9 After sentence had been passed he had been taken to the cells , then back to Dalston in a black van .
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