Example sentences of "[pron] have a [noun sg] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Have to get that documentation out the way because I 've a habit of of giving things back to people that I 'm supposed to keep .
2 The little quadrilateral near Vega is made up of Gamma ( 3.2 ) , Zeta and Delta ( each 4.3 ) and the eclipsing binary Beta , which has a range of from 3.4 to 4.3 and exhibits alternate deep and shallow minima .
3 It is fairly rich , and is an easy binocular object ; it contains the Cepheid variable S Normæ , which has a range of from 6.8 to 7.8 and a period of 9.7 days .
4 In the nineteenth century the various companies amalgamated and gradually merged their quarries into this one colossal pit , which has a circumference of about a mile and a depth of four hundred feet .
5 Cos it was good to have them when you were pushed when you had a lot of of work to do .
6 Er we included to members the information on traffic flows , we also included the information which you have a copy of in my statement
7 I think they were going somewhere to Ireland , I 'm not sure , but they had a load of of slates .
8 Today , it has a membership of over one thousand .
9 It has an elevation of from about 300m to 700m .
10 The office in question was not minor patronage , for as Scott remarked , it had a value of from £300 to £1,800 per annum , and for that reason it was unlikely to be given to gratify a town council .
11 On the other page yeah it had a picture of like this chart yeah and it had the picture of a grapefruit in all this sharing , you had to just draw that .
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