Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But almost everyone has had to cut back on luxuries during the recession and this has affected Caterham 's sales badly , with orders cancelled through fears of redundancy or increasingly expensive mortgages .
2 I 'd hoped to come on to Prague after that .
3 Since delivery only required one of us , I 'd undertaken to go down to Fraxilly while Mala stayed with the ship .
4 I 'd planned to go back to Australia when I 'd made enough .
5 If I 'd tried to walk out along the trail , I would have met Perkin face to face .
6 I 'd got fed up with her everlasting sweetness and shown her up in class the day before .
7 And er I was informed like that er I I had d stop till six o'clock at night , that night , and I was informed that er I 'd got to come back at night and bring me men .
8 Apparently I 'd chosen to pee up against a police station , so they took me inside , and told me off , and of course I apologized .
9 I had n't got the change to ring you from the tube , and I 'd had to rush out of the house to get there because I woke up late . ’
10 I 'd managed to hang on to it .
11 I was lingering near the assembled bottles , wondering who on earth could have brought the Bourgueil , when I was joined by the man I had seen stepping out of the BMW .
12 Sand was cleaner than water , the desert dead cleaner than the drowned dishevelled things which I had seen thrown up on shores .
13 I had wanted to curl up in my sleeping-bag on the ground .
14 I had arranged to go out in a crab boat to get JTR 's coastal sketches .
15 I had also discovered that there would be little , if any , use for a car on Moila , so both my brother and I had arranged to travel up by train .
16 I had planned to go back by bus to Fulham , as I still could not face the underground .
17 Although I did n't expect the floods to be as high as they were my friend , Matthew , and I had planned to go out in this American style canoe .
18 I went on to say to him that I wished to make it clear that my disquiet did not relate to any particular name , but if in fact the names that I had heard turned out to be a correct report , and he published the List , the List would support legitimate criticism .
19 All the things which I had feared turned up in a relentless progression .
20 We come therefore to synthesise the ideas I had tried to put over in the preceding chapters .
21 He seemed to have forgotten I had tried to walk out on him fifty kilometres or so back .
22 He had a good knowledge of Scotland , particularly the bagpipes , and I am sure if I had offered to go along to Brigade HQ to fetch my bagpipes he would have had me marching up and down the orchard playing his favourite tunes , much to the consternation of the other Commandos , and possibly the annoyance of the Germans just a short distance away .
23 Somehow I had managed to squirm back into my trousers .
24 The first Ken was Ken Clarke whom I had managed to bring over from the Transport Department .
25 The people I had helped to dream down from the heavens .
26 The tanks and troops were still crossing the river as the Officer I had accompanied drew up beside me with the jeep .
27 I 've decided to go back to London tomorrow . ’
28 I 've decided to go back to England , ’ she said quietly , not able to look at him .
29 I 've decided to go back to Shropshire , where I 've got lots of friends . ’
30 Cos I 've said come over for supper .
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