Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [adv prt] as a " in BNC.

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1 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
2 I feel bitter that while I was out there I was somebody but I 've come back as a third class citizen .
3 Yes I 'm afraid I 've come in as a a last minute substitute and I feel as if in the eighty ninth minute I 've been given a penalty to take that could win the match or
4 I recently bought a 4ft aquarium , which I have set up as a community tank .
5 The Board 's General Manager Tom Frawley said today that the decision to close the Shantallow home had been a difficult one , but claimed it was the only possible course of action ‘ in light of the increase over the last few years in the level of nursing home accommodation and the reduced demand for residential accommodation which has come about as a result of improvements in housing in general and the development of sheltered accommodation and other community alternatives . ’
6 ‘ It 's terrible that all these quacks can come along without proper qualifications , ’ Lipsky complained , forgetting that he himself had set up as a dentist without qualifications , there being as yet no legal requirement for special training as there was for doctors .
7 And so Ruth , the one who has gone out as a poor glean and walking behind the reapers , hoping they would treat her kindly .
8 If Dire Straits had n't been so successful , would you have carried on as a circuit band , or would you have gone back to teaching or journalism ?
9 Of course that is n't really allowed , but once you 've got back as a ghost , there 's not much anybody can do to stop you .
10 You 've set up as a designer in your own right , Gary ! ’
11 Is there anything that you think needs to be changed , something that you 've picked up as a result of your study you , you feel ought to be changed in the school system ?
12 Even though it was beginning to recede in her memory , Folly still could n't quite see what she had gone through as a joke .
13 She had walked in as a cookery demonstration for Korean housewives was under way .
14 She had walked in as a cookery demonstration for Korean housewives was under way .
15 She curled up in the position she had slept in as a child ; and realised with a sinking heart that it was not only the most comfortable way of being in bed , but it was also one that you could not adopt in company .
16 Peter Foley , who had come on as a substitute struck the upright with a powerful drive , for the ball to rebound clear .
17 No , Chief has n't set any questions , erm , the other change to this has been to remove the fire 's special interest and we 've put in as a separate paper , so that we can bring them up to date .
18 Erm , right on the expenditure side we have our normal subscriptions for the year , A S erm the F B A S which you all know , there 's no strangers here who do n't know what these are the A L A and the Whale and Dolphin er Preservation Society which we have taken on as a personal thing in the , in the er name of the club because it 's cheaper
19 They had come back as a fleet , their sails bellying out under the south-westerly gale , the men shouting to each other across the water to compare catches , and their womenfolk waiting on the beach to help with the unloading and to make a start on the gutting and salting and packing .
20 They had passed out as a result of the good time had by all and did not come to until the evening .
21 The pretenders became genuine contenders by showing how much they have grown up as a team .
22 As it is , he has gone down as a highly skilled bowler who , because he lacked the flamboyance of some of his colleagues , attracted less attention than many of them ; but who consistently , almost stealthily , got on with the job of collecting three or four wickets in innings after innings after innings .
23 He has stayed on as a special adviser and in April will start teaching at his alma mater , Chuo University .
24 After much lobbying , it has ended up as a liberal edict .
25 Jointly funded by the IFI and the DoE , it has come about as a result of the efforts of the Garrison and Melvin Community Development Association which was set up three years ago as a ‘ self help ’ group for the region .
26 It had started out as a ship 's boiler but Selwyn had acquired it some years before to ensure a plentiful supply of soft water for his garden .
27 It had started out as a panacea for one failed relationship and had quickly become a relationship in itself .
28 In the three years since he had broken through as a pop star , Kylie has constructed a network of companies to handle her affairs .
29 ‘ There 'll be a bit off for luck ? ’ he asked , proving that he still retained some of the guile he had picked up as a practising country lawyer .
30 Like Michael he had started out as a ‘ breaker ’ — a heavy — until he had built up his own business .
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