Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [be] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd best be sending out letters to see how my credit stands at home . ’
2 ‘ Now really , I 'd best be getting back .
3 ‘ Nay , I 'd best be getting back . ’
4 ‘ I 've only one more thing to say , Bella , and then I 'd best be cutting along .
5 Well , I 'd better be getting down to the bus …
6 It was Amy who said : ‘ Look , I 'd better be getting back .
7 I 'd better be getting back or the foreman will be giving me the sack . ’
8 As soon as his hands were free , Huw ducked away , retrieving a shirt and jersey that had been flung down on a pile of beer-crates , saying over his shoulder : ‘ Look , I 'd better be pushing off .
9 With Keith , I fell head over heels in love with him from the first time we met , and I 'd only been going out with him two weeks and he asked me to get engaged .
10 I had also been taking up quite a lot of time for public service , chairing the National Gas Consumers ' Council , and also , more relevantly , working under Richard Hoggart who was chairing the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education , which had a remit to develop national policies for education as a process continuing throughout life .
11 ‘ By this time I had already been fooling around with sound on sound recording , and then in 1971 some aunt that I never even knew left a small house to me and my two brothers .
12 As I opened it , and looked out , I realized that it was the first time I had consciously looked out : before , I had always been hurrying by .
13 Ha , I 've just been looking around
14 I 've just been filling in my books and reading all about it .
15 From then on I 've just been going around from city to city causing trouble , more or less .
16 I 've also been sorting out the dates for the let shoots .
17 I believe I have unconsciously been picking up modern reformed attitudes to nature from television wildlife programmes .
18 This is the moment when bad theology enters , not — notice this carefully — as a reason for doubt but as a rationale for the doubting which has already been going on .
19 My head was throbbing and the shoulder was beginning to ache from the kicking , which had probably been going on for some time before I came round .
20 You 'd best be getting down to those hens of the old lady 's , ’ he said to Philip .
21 You 'd best be getting back to your own house now . ’
22 He 'd lost weight , his eyes were staring and red as if they 'd been rolled in grit , and his clothes hung on him like a scarecrow 's ; it was almost as if , in the course of the past few weeks , he 'd been drained of the zest and the energy and the sense of confidence that she 'd steadily been picking up .
23 Pete was now beginning to wonder if she was feeling ill ; it was almost as if , for the latter part of the evening , she 'd only been keeping up a show of enjoying herself and now the strain of the charade was getting through to her .
24 Oh what you 've just been hanging around too much .
25 Because you , you 've just been going on about going abroad
26 The horse , who had steadily been moving along in a quiet way , gave a strange little leap and she realised she had inadvertently dug her heels into his side .
27 Come on Ace , Petion , we 'd best be getting back . ’
28 We 'd better be getting back .
29 We 'd better be getting back .
30 We 'd better be getting along . "
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