Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd never been very good at big lies , and the thought of living one terrified me , but it was important that not only I , but the baby , should have some self-respect about its origins .
2 I was skinny but I 'd never been so healthy in my life .
3 as if I 'd only been half awake before so no wonder I could n't do anything . ’
4 she said she was gon na ring me back , but you see I have n't been here this afternoon so I 'll perhaps ring again tomorrow .
5 I wished later that I had n't been so shy .
6 If I had n't been so besotted and obsessed to the point of madness I 'd have called the whole thing off ! ’
7 I had n't been there ten minutes when the bailiff came , ’ he said .
8 and I had a very sheltered life , I was an only child , I had n't been around much , I had n't stayed away from home erm and I came to Suffolk to visit a girl penfriend who was working at Brandeston Hall and erm she at that time was expecting to get engaged to a chappy in the village here who was , and still is a friend of Hector 's and ours , and they did n't marry in the finish but she at that time wanted me to come up to Suffolk to see her and to meet this chappy who she thought she was going to marry and erm so , it was holiday from the art school where I was and I thought well why not ?
9 Because I had n't been around much , I had n't been away from home
10 If I had n't been too dumb I could have come to Mars-U as well , then I would n't have been alone .
11 I had also been very friendly with Jeff Jukes and Max Hole ( Max is the managing director of Warner Brothers and Jeff manages the Fixx and Rupert Hine , a very established producer ) .
12 For my part it brought to light fascinating aspects of English language use about whose existence I had previously been quite unaware — or , perhaps better , about whose extent I had previously been quite unaware .
13 For my part it brought to light fascinating aspects of English language use about whose existence I had previously been quite unaware — or , perhaps better , about whose extent I had previously been quite unaware .
14 He has pursed his sour lips and guessed my true intentions : if I had not been so bored , I would have sold it .
15 In fact , afterwards the doctor told me that the training had probably helped and that I might have been in a lot more serious trouble if I had not been so fit .
16 I had never been politically active before in-any organized way .
17 I had never been as stubborn or single-minded about anything else , or as insistent that things had to be a certain way .
18 I had never been so frightened in my whole life .
19 I had really been rather lumpish and dull during the drive from Fez : perhaps Flora had thought I had n't wanted her with us ?
20 It was Pop Art which had shot up , and I had always been very anti-Pop .
21 Her insistence seemed absurd in view of her own failed marriage , but I had always been too nervous to point this out , to ask what she made of the break in connection between the symbolism of the dress and the unassailability of the marriage vow .
22 Mm that 's what I 've cos I 've not been very busy I 've been picking , you know like a few peanuts there 's chocolate peanuts , there 's
23 I mean I 've certainly been very much helped in the time at Sussex when I 've been working part time by the men that I 've worked with
24 I do n't think I 've ever been so tired before or since as I was just that , that first year when we were probationer nurses .
25 I 've seldom been more embarrassed .
26 I 've ne'er been as glad of anything as when she went , ’ Gran said , harshly .
27 ‘ Louise is keen , like you say , but I 've always been completely honest with her .
28 I 've always been pretty open about my sexuality , ’ she says .
29 You see , I 've always been firmly convinced that I was homosexual .
30 ‘ Actually , it was n't hard for me to play a man ten years my junior , because I was not only physically younger but I 've always been emotionally immature . ’
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