Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [verb] [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 But she said no I 'd better come tomorrow with Paula as well .
2 In the words of Claire , a crew member ‘ I have also come away with lasting friendships , borne of total trust , respect and deep affection . ’
3 I have already done so with some success in a number of instances and I hope to continue doing so .
4 Aesthetics is a topic I have previously discussed only with my cosmetic dentist , Mrs McGilchrist ( as in " the aesthetics are going to cost you on this one " ) , and with the odd deluded lighting-cameraman who might have his views about the aesthetics of a Bulky Bar dissolve , a Rumpburger close-up , a Zaparama zoom .
5 But the bulk of it , now that I have re-read it in connection with this memoir , I have quietly made away with .
6 I have never banged away with fifteen strangers in a back street in Ashton before .
7 They were grand folk , and it 's because of them that I am not one of the antismoking lobby ( although I have never associated personally with nicotine ) .
8 The Round Table , which has always worked closely with the Trust has organised thirteen clinics in Oxfordshire over the next fortnight .
9 By noon all the squadron 's reserve aircraft were in use , and the mechanics were sucking blood from cut fingers and grazed knuckles as they worked too fast on battered planes which had just creaked home with streaming canvas and smashed spars , or labouring engines , or cracked fuel lines , or crippled controls , or lopsided under-carriage .
10 All three major candidates agreed that the influence of the country 's chaebols — large business conglomerates which had traditionally worked closely with the government — should be curbed and a greater emphasis placed upon laissez-faire economics .
11 What his mate , who has never bothered much with politics , discovers about our police on the one hand and lawyers on the other , forces him to take over the activist role in this tough political thriller .
12 On the desk and she has n't bothered probably with the cheque .
13 You 'd better stay here with your waggon . ’
14 Would you have got together with Rosalind if you never met Juliet , would you have actually got together with Rosalind ?
15 Do n't think you can get away with it just because you 've always got away with everything , since you set that nursemaid 's apron alight . ’
16 If you 've ever come home with newly bought make-up only to find that the colours do n't really suit you , take heart .
17 Feeling sick with relief that she had not run away with a rich man , Frankie shook his head vigorously in agreement and clung to her arm .
18 However , what all three painters learnt from Cubism , largely through Delaunay , was the means of organizing a canvas in terms of interacting and transparent facets or planes , which could be made to suggest movement and depth , while preserving the unity of the picture-plane ; Chagall , another painter whose work was known and admired in Germany , and who had also flirted briefly with both Cubism and Orphism , acknowledged a [ 31 ] similar debt to Cubist painting .
19 Persons who have not contracted directly with the exchange , and this includes most customers , are not generally bound by the exchange rules , nor is the exchange itself liable to such persons .
20 If the Minister can give us any example from the privatisation programme , in which the Government have been engaged since 1979 , of a Secretary of State coming to the House in order to bring in check private owners who have subsequently done away with the right of the employees of former public companies , I should be extremely interested to hear about it .
21 ‘ Why do I think you have n't come here with sparkling news ? ’ he said .
22 Although I 'd hardly call it hounding myself , merely a timely reminder that you have n't got away with it , ’ he corrected warningly .
23 But when you begin fishing , if it is a swim you have never fished before with a swimfeeder , it is essential that you find out how long it takes to empty so that you can set up a rhythm of casting and feeding .
24 I 've worked with a number of carpenters and joiners and come tea-break , we 've all sat there with our nice hot cup of tea/coffee and that gradual layer of dust on top .
25 So far we have not dealt critically with liberal-democratic constitutional theory , but in the chapters that follow we will begin to explore the cogency of this perspective as an explanation for British politics .
26 we have finally done away with death .
27 We have just arrived here with everything we have soaking wet and so we must just sit still till our clothes are dried and I take the opportunity of the idle time to write to you —
28 He was pleased to see how well they had all mixed , even though they had admittedly come together with a common purpose .
29 They have also suffered dismally with injuries .
30 Managers need to be alert to the influences that in combination persuade staff to take ( and condone others taking ) short cuts through the safety rules and procedures because , mistakenly , the perceived benefits outweigh the risks , and they have perhaps got away with it in the past .
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