Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 he has two sons and two daughters , one of whom has recently made him a grandad and , although he confesses to still having the odd game of cricket , his main pastime nowadays is deep-sea fishing .
2 Unfortunately I am obliged to terminate at this stage , because someone has just passed me a note saying that the band has to depart at 11 pm , and it is now 10.30 .
3 ‘ Come in here a bit , ’ she suggested as they came to her room , ‘ I 'd better tell you a secret . ’
4 ‘ I think I 'd better tell you the whole story right from the beginning . ’
5 I suppose I 'd better offer you a drink now that you 're here . ’
6 I 'd better give her a ring , I suppose . ’
7 I 'd better give her a hand or she 'll sulk .
8 I think I 'd better give you a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics .
9 but I mean you do n't think erm cos he said to me he said oh I suppose I 'd better buy you a Christmas present and I said yeah buy me something that I 'd use .
10 ‘ But I still used to pose on the bike for publicity purposes , ’ she 'd say archly over her tea and Eccles cakes , ‘ until the varicose veins started to show through me silver tights and Flaherty said I 'd better call it a day and let them find themselves another pin-up girl . ’
11 Because I would think it 's that I had n't given you the
12 ‘ I may as well confess , I had n't given it a single thought . ’
13 I was tempted to call it a day there and then , pull over and have a kip , but my stomach reminded me that I had n't thrown it a bone since the ploughman 's at lunch-time , and it had been quite an eventful day .
14 This was untrue , but I had already lent him the money . ’
15 I had already sent him a book , examples of my work , a letter about why and how I was doing the book , all for the sake of just one short interview .
16 So when asked why I had not told her the whole story , I replied , ‘ Because you never asked me . ’
17 The Shah did no like Bakhtir - " I had always considered him an Anglophile and an agent of British Petroleum . "
18 ( Mutengene is a harder word than Sasse so I had better give you the pronunciation : Moo-teng-genay . )
19 DAVE BASSETT last night apologised to striker Ian Bryson , saying : ‘ I 've probably cost you a Scotland cap . ’
20 I 've already made them a promise , those kids we 're going to have .
21 Well Jodie wanted to come with us and I phoned up and they could n't get her in so then she started saying well why do n't you stay here mum , and all that , I said yeah just when it bloody suits her she wants you to cook her dinner , said she 'd have been she should have I said she 'd be prepared to pay it , I 've already got her a seat she said
22 Now I 've not given you a lot of chance to speak because you said you do n't want to go and to , but I want
23 ‘ Well , I 've simply saved you the trouble , have n't I ? ’
24 I 've just given you a job to do .
25 oh yes he said I 've worked it out those extra hours I 've paid you for them but I thought you actually worked for them for nothing and I 've just given you a bonus
26 I 've just bought him a shoulder of lamb , a breast of lamb , well he
27 Well erm , I 've just gave them a quick rinse because the erm , that stuff 's
28 I 've also given you a living assurance rate book , because we 'll be looking at both the rate books in a minute .
29 ‘ Actually , I 've always made it a rule never to get drunk before going on stage .
30 I I I 've always called it the E flat ,
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