Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] as [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier I had felt as if I was being torn in two , but now the decision was made , I was floating on a warm tide of physical ease , as if I had just given birth .
2 When I eventually did get home , though , I remembered most of those I had forgotten as if I had not been away .
3 You 'd lived as if your time was infinite :
4 She 'd felt as if she 'd been fighting with Guy Sterne all her life !
5 It was no wonder she 'd looked as if she 'd aged , she thought guiltily , and no wonder she 'd looked miserable ; the poor woman did n't have too much to look happy about .
6 She 'd looked as if she 'd seen the devil himself .
7 In the scorching heat she had felt as if she would pass out ; now she wished she had .
8 In the first round of the championship , Miss Minoprio had frightened the life out of one , Miss Summerville , who later explained to the press that she had felt as if she were playing " a supernatural being " .
9 So many times she had felt as if he had just steamrollered his way right over her , refusing to listen to her arguments , just using his overpowering physical and mental strength to get his own way .
10 She had behaved as if she was quite prepared to be Alain 's , and she could not think of any reply at all .
11 She had to look as if she knew where she was going , move as if she had every right to be there ; one challenge could ruin it all .
12 When the period is over , critically examine what you have done as if you were looking at someone else 's efforts .
13 Mind you , I do n't think they 're married either of them because she comes under the name Miss and well her name 's Estelle and he 's Paul , but she 's known as because I 've had two or three people ask me about her because she , she deals in insurance .
14 I see that we have to live as if there is no God .
15 We can not tell in advance in what directions a specific lesson or block of work might lead — but we have to act as if we can .
16 At home they had behaved as if she were a toddler going to a first party in a party frock rather than a huge ungainly student eighteen years of age going to university dressed from head to toe in dark clothes .
17 He had killed one girl and now , because another was missing , they had come as if he had called them , as if they were his slaves .
18 They had spoken as if I were n't there , which in a way I was n't , as other passengers were moving round me , all asking the same questions .
19 He 'd sounded as if he really believed in Angelica 's death .
20 He 'd spoken as if nothing had happened , she realised , too stunned and distraught to retaliate .
21 He 'd spoken as if he thought she was in the habit of collecting fiancés and engagement-rings .
22 It was the first physical contact between them for four years , but for just an instant it had seemed as if it had only been yesterday when she had last touched him .
23 When he opened the scoring , it came as no surprise , for it had looked as if he 'd be the one to do it from the start .
24 From what Wayne had been able to see of her left eye , it had looked as if it had a couple of drops of blood in it .
25 At one point it had looked as if she might have been forced to live at home with her parents , and much as Rachel loved them she knew that arrangement just would n't work .
26 I waited , but he had stopped as if he thought he had said it all .
27 At Oxford he had gained a First in Greats , for which , according to a contemporary , he had worked as if he were taking a chartered accountancy exam .
28 I was glad he had spoken as if he wanted to , but I felt I should apologize , once they had gone .
29 He had never physically hurt her , although there had been more than one occasion towards the end of their short , fraught marriage when he had looked as if he were making a huge effort to stop himself raising a hand to her .
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