Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] [pers pn] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd thought you 'd been getting exercise in .
2 I 'd forgotten you 'd been in it . ’
3 In the end , just to save myself from socking him one , I had to pretend I 'd been using the term ironically .
4 Of all the hedges I 've seen they 've been about eighteen two foot , about that far apart
5 I 've seen we 'd been firing just observa observation beams they were sixty pounder guns .
6 because I 've noticed he 's been sleepy he 's all blocked up all all over there .
7 I like to get on with it at home , but when I 've toured I 've been so desperate to do well , so conscious of not getting out , that I become negative .
8 However , I have to say I have been disappointed that through TOP we are not managing to achieve more .
9 I have observed he has been behaving a mite more realisti-cally since he 's had you in his life , my dear … .
10 Which I have enjoyed it 's been er a bit of a challenge coming here because in the city centre , business-wise , you 're surrounded by the professions such as estate agents and solicitors .
11 As she lay blinking blindly into the unfamiliar darkness , her ears filled with a strange background hum , her tired and sleepy brain slowly realised that the sound which had awoken her had been her own desperate sobbing .
12 At the same time , one must remember that there were other aspects of the economy which were virtually unaffected by war ; one sees this in the growth of the mining interest in the North-east , and most conspicuously in the continuation of trading connections with areas even after the political ties which had created them had been broken .
13 Early Medieval peoples were not , as the Empires which had preceded them had been , living in slave states ( though one people might be in subjugation to another ) .
14 In recent months , the only countries which have welcomed him have been Yemen , Sudan and Tunisia , where the PLO has its headquarters since being driven out of Beirut in 1982 .
15 But within six months she 'd known she had been right , and she had now reached the stage where she thoroughly enjoyed her work .
16 In fact , ever since she 'd arrived she 'd been constantly battling , without really being a hundred per cent sure what she was battling against .
17 The cop who 'd collected her had been a crowd control unit , the full cyborg .
18 When the police eventually found the abandoned truck they 'd assume the driver who 'd stolen it had been drunk .
19 As you 've heard we 've been cutting costs pretty significantly over the last couple of years erm what we 're talking about is three thousand people having been er made redundant over the two and a half years and as we were saying earlier substantial redundancy costs have had to be borne .
20 But ever since you 've gone they 've been conspiring against me , plotting , and — ’
21 She settled down to wait with a book on caving she found in his bookcase , but after a while she had to acknowledge he 'd been gone longer than she 'd expected .
22 Then he had spoilt it by saying that his reasons for leaving Australia had been personal , and she had assumed he had been involved in a similar situation to that with Jennifer .
23 The handshake with which she had greeted him had been cool and firm and her brief smile was surprisingly attractive .
24 Disappointment that Feargal was n't the man she had thought him had been replaced by a sadness for things not to be .
25 She had thought she had been keeping watch on the creeping grey-streaked matter , but it had moved suddenly , the embryonic fingers clutching the ground , pulling the oozing , mucousy river forward until it was bubbling over her feet .
26 At the time she had supposed it had been a reaction to his upbringing , all those years spent in his parents ' elegant Georgian house on the edge of a quiet , beautiful Sussex village .
27 ( The bank clerk who had occupied it had been called up to the army . )
28 He said all right , you have admitted you 've been sleeping so out you go .
29 They 'd said he 'd been caught in a heliborne ambush and killed in hand to hand combat by a malai captain .
30 I 've almost given up on the London Borough of Bromley because the land , the areas that they 've offered us have been quite impractical and although we 've got , you know , croquet is a cheap sport .
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