Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
2 All through the '70s I 'd wanted to be in a rock band and I ended up doing it and it was nothing like as exciting as I 'd imagined it from reading and listening to records .
3 Indeed Katie 's group , when I 'd pushed them into talking about Mitch a little more , spent most of their time examining his picture and finding fault with his appearance .
4 As for his own comeback to the official international cricket scene , Gatting admitted : ‘ I 'd taken nothing for granted .
5 I 'd talked myself into caring more for some worn-out principle than about the reality of what was happening to us .
6 He asked himself " Why do I have to cosmeticize everything by translating it into painting ?
7 Rex and I had annoyed him by belittling the Levellers over lunch and there was no reasoning with him when he got into one of his self-righteous moods , so we left him to it .
8 I had to push him into taking his annual leave .
9 Unused as I am to public scribbling , and tardy to boot ( I 've just read your December/January issue ) , I felt I had to thank you for saving me time and trouble ( not to mention hard-won shekels ) , in a search for something which obviously does not exist .
10 What was this very special place that only a few hours ago I had cursed myself for entering ?
11 With my finances stretched to the limit because I had committed myself to spending all of that May in the Highlands , I drove back to the pub in Glenelg to consider it .
12 I was due to pay my second visit to my surgeon after my operation , and I had committed myself to returning to the Centre for a day visit at the end of October .
13 And although I had disappointed her by going into ‘ trade ’ , I was still the son of the house .
14 I had to restrain myself from running after her and asking who she was — heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire perhaps ?
15 If I had confined myself to initiating ‘ creative drama ’ or ‘ improvisation ’ , I might well have remained satisfied with his participation for he was indeed meeting all the requirements of dramatic playing .
16 ‘ As a matter of fact , I had taken it for granted that you would n't want a boring old fart like me trailing after you round Siena . ’
17 I 've tricked them into working for me .
18 I 've done everything from working on a building site for a week and promising to bring me cards in and giving a false name , to er potato picking erm doing hay , anything .
19 I 've killed you by bringing you here , ’ Paul says , almost whispering .
20 I 've committed myself to writing some notes on it in cooperation with you so that we can take them back to the group next week to discuss with the others .
21 What it really means of course is that erm I 've committed ourselves to doing the dare I say it , the odd jobs .
22 I 've told you about reading the Sun .
23 I 've told you about listening to my calls .
24 Because after you listen to the evidence will be that these are professional officers doing a very difficult job and members of the public , members of the jury create very dated job they have the one objective I 've told you about to protect members of the public from further harm from what they thought was an armed criminal on the run .
25 Well then of course , I 've told you about having these trials up and down , and then , out of the people I 've dealt with mostly of them were local criminals , I should think nearly ninety percent of crime in Ipswich was committed by local people .
26 I 've used it for carrying pens — you do n't get too many grizzlies or wolves where I live !
27 Taping Miss I 've got her to saying hello .
28 I 've got plenty on wi'out him .
29 I have to say something like hang on just one minute erm I have to pull this faded down do n't I go B B C Radio York the station that 's always first for travel .
30 I have stopped myself from saying anything as my daughter 's children live round the corner and I have them to stay overnight and take them on a Saturday but they are no bother .
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