Example sentences of "[pron] be no [noun sg] of it " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There 's no hope of it , ’ said Camillo from the yellow box of bed .
2 ‘ Oh , there 's no lack of it at all , that 's what this place is for .
3 There 's no chance of it being right , any good for B T .
4 ‘ Micky , you 've said that for a fortnight , and there 's no sign of it happening .
5 ‘ Rigor mortis is complete but there 's no sign of it passing off .
6 There 's no question of it . ’
7 There 's no question of it . ’
8 ‘ That 's right , attack Em for leaving her blouse there , but if it 's seven of your shirts and seven each of the boys ’ , that 's twenty-one shirts ironed for you and there 's no word of it being a hand-me-down shop then , is there ? ’
9 A little knot here just so there 's no risk of it coming out and off we go
10 and the biggest pro for a fax that I can think of is that you can send the message and that 's that , there 's no risk of it dribbling on into , into doubt
11 Well there 's no need of it if you got your radiator on .
12 Once the process is definitely under way and there is no chance of it stopping again take one dose only of Caulophyllum 10M .
13 He ignites the imagination , nevertheless , with glancing observations of Skye ‘ … so much indented by inlets of the Sea , that there is no part of it removed from the water by more than six miles ’ .
14 There is no doubt of it .
15 Finally , so far as the question of convergence goes , Moore insists that there is no guarantee of it .
16 Lawrence must be regarded as authoritative and correct , and there is no question of it now being right to depart from it .
17 ‘ My dear child , there is no question of it .
18 In Britain this is a ground nesting bird of the open country , and there is no record of it entering caves , but like the snowy owl it could have altered its behaviour during colder stages of the Pleistocene .
19 Lionfish have venom glands at the base of the dorsal fine spines and the sting can prove very serious and excruciatingly painful although there is no record of it causing any human fatalities
20 There is no mention of it being outside the camp , and instead we are left with the picture of the tent , filled with the glory of God , travelling with the people as they continue onwards ( 40.34–8 ) .
21 Dr John Little , president of the Cambridge club , said : ‘ I ca n't say unequivocally but I have gone through a history of the club and there is no mention of it there . ’
22 Although there is no mention of it on the map , I could swear that the tiny loch has a crannog in it .
23 Though the mood is very Russian and even Chekhovian , in its mixture of humour and profound regret , there is no suggestion of it being an attack on a particular social system .
24 There is no danger of it slowing down if we eat around 1500 calories a day .
25 Since Cornerstone works with a memory copy of the information it retrieves , there is no danger of it corrupting its source data .
26 There was no doubt of it , he recognized the collar .
27 There was no question of it .
28 IF THIS WEEK 'S striking display of Labour unity was more show than substance , there was no sign of it among the party 's ‘ other ranks ’ as they dispersed in buoyant mood from Brighton .
29 A ripple of lapis lazuli and there was no sign of it .
30 So far , though , there was no sign of it .
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