Example sentences of "[pron] be for [det] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is also an unprecedented legal recognition here of a problem the very existence of which was for many decades denied by a Communist state claiming to be founded upon the interests of the working class .
2 When in the same issue the journal reviewed Why Men Forget we are reminded of just how many social melodramas there were for this film showed a Socialist spokesman being discharged from a factory and ‘ denouncing wealth in no uncertain terms ’ before inheriting wealth and marrying a society girl and finally deciding to return to the poor folk from whence he came .
3 It is for each LEA to construct its own policies in respect of discretionary awards .
4 Local education authorities have considerable flexibility to provide additional assistance to small primary schools , through the small school protection factor , but it is for each authority to devise its own scheme and to choose its priorities within that scheme in the light of local needs .
5 With around 700 people a year dying in house fires , doctors from Cardiff Royal Infirmary stress how important it is for all homes to have smoke detectors .
6 The measures which we can use include indications that the animal is failing to cope with its environment ( with the difficulties which it encounters ) and measures of how hard it is for that individual to cope with the difficulties .
7 Subject , however , to the help of the court in these various ways , the basic principle underlying the preparation and presentation of a party 's case in the High Court in England is that it is for that party to obtain and present the evidence which he needs by his own means , provided always that such means are lawful in the country in which they are used .
8 And Dr Neil and Matey — Miss Mates — taught me so much about … life … so much that is useful … and I learned how hard it is for most people to live even halfway decent lives … and now I am home again . ’
9 It is extraordinary that it is easier for the EC to export to Hungary , Czechoslovakia and Poland than it is for those countries to export to the EC .
10 The level of provisions ‘ demonstrates the immense damage which is done by extreme economic cycles and just how important it is for this country to strive to secure steady growth on a low-inflationary basis ’ .
11 Accordingly , it is for this court to consider the application of article 10 to the question whether a local authority may sue for libel ; and in my judgment Morland J. was wrong not to do so .
12 He misinterpreted the Act and he failed to allow himself to have the jurisdiction to deal in a flexible manner with the children , which is the whole purpose of the Act , and consequently it is for this court to make the order that it appears Judge Galpin would have liked to have made and felt impeded from so doing .
13 Mr Major replied : ‘ It is for this House to decide by its vote on the third reading whether to approve the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill and enable the Government to ratify the treaty .
14 International law recognised that it was for each state to determine the conditions upon which it granted its nationality to ships , subject to there being a genuine link between the flag state and the vessel .
15 It was for many years claimed to be the earliest example of the true arch in Europe , but it is now recognised that it was constructed in the sixth century as an open drain and that it was only roofed over with its present stone vault of three concentric rings of radiating voussoirs in 184 B.C. Its exit into the Tiber can still be seen in Rome near the Ponte Rotto ( 68 ) .
16 The reminiscing continued — the deaths of friends , one man marching alone through the night , the terrible hard labour it was for some men to die , night marches from one safe house to another , the rain , the wet , the damp , the cold of waiting for an ambush in one place for hours .
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