Example sentences of "[pron] be a [noun sg] [prep] me " in BNC.

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1 I was a beauty in me day .
2 But we ca n't haunt places we 'd never been to , which is a bore for me , because I was so young when I died I 'd hardly been anywhere .
3 There is the dispositional fact that I believe my name is what it is , which is a fact about me when I am not thinking of my name .
4 Nor had his optimism , which was a relief to me as , being a Slav , I am by nature distinctly pessimistic .
5 But if you are a farmer like me you can not avoid winter , whatever your age or physical condition .
6 You are a stranger to me , ’ she said .
7 I 'm a layman to you and you 're a layman to me in many senses , and therefore erm the , the , the fact that our students are in effect very often laymen is not something that detracts from their motivation to study , in many instances it 's something that gives it stimulus and underlines it .
8 You 're a mystery to me , Miss Glover , you really are . ’
9 I was thirteen then , and you were a hero to me in those days .
10 ‘ I just feel she 's a part of me . ’
11 and we were well it was somebody who was a stranger to me but allegedly she was related to the family or something
12 ‘ They picked me up from a Sunday team near White Hart Lane when I was 11 and there are a lot like me , ’ Watson said .
13 One two three now this is a bit silly , oh there 's a pen for me , thank you very much .
14 At the time I was of the same colouring ( there 's a portrait of me hanging at Burpham ) .
15 There 's a part of me that says ‘ Its OK to eat ’ , but another part tugs me back and stops me eating .
16 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
17 There 's a part of me that would like to be very cocky and self-assured .
18 He thinks there 's a part for me in the new play at the Queen 's . ’
19 If there 's a part for me , let it be left until tomorrow . ’
20 There 's a demon inside me that says , ‘ Go on , go on ’ , ’ reveals Shirley Bassey , who 's playing the Albert Hall this week at the end of another British tour .
21 There 's a hole in me .
22 There 's a bloke behind me with a big suitcase , reading a newspaper .
23 Well , I must admit there 's a bit of me that thrives slightly on the exam syndrome — something that gets the adrenalin flowing rather like ‘ first nights ’ .
24 There 's a bug on me ? ’
25 I 'll ask Sonja tomorrow to see if there 's a letter for me .
26 ‘ Well , I 'm not at my home address , as you see , so if there 's a letter for me , I have n't got it .
27 There 's a photograph of me sitting cross-legged in the drive proudly displaying my first bumper crop of onions which Nigel learned to string à la français .
28 I 've always been a worker yet there is a part of me that feels I could end up like that , too .
29 There is a part of me still wants to be back in Bosnia and if I get the chance I 'll be there like a shot . ’
30 ‘ Old Silent Tree , there is a spirit in me that is restless .
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