Example sentences of "[pron] be a [noun sg] of his " in BNC.

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1 We will in fact be er I mean I advertise in the er I am a client of his and we will we will be looking at the same he will be a competitor of ours in some fields .
2 I 'm a friend of his .
3 I was a member of his party , one of his retinue , and when the great Henry lashed out it was dangerous even to be in the same room as the king 's enemy .
4 His life-story relates his experiments with Truth , or his attempt to live in accordance with certain religious beliefs which were a part of his Hindu heritage .
5 And Monsieur O'Hara , 'e is a man of his word .
6 ‘ At common law one 's duty to one 's neighbour who is the owner … of any goods is to refrain from doing any voluntary act in relation to his goods which is a usurpation of his proprietary or possessory rights in them .
7 This two-day sale of Impressionist and modern paintings , drawings and sculpture will put on offer a group of works on paper by Egon Schiele , one of which is a watercolour of his wife Edith signed and dated 1915 ( est. £300–400,000 ; $530–700,000 ) .
8 Bernard 's emotional dishonesty is seen in terms of his ability to split language , which is a product of his psychological duplicity :
9 But God confronted her about that laugh — not because she laughed in God 's presence but because her laughter expressed a limiting view of God which was a denial of his power and an incitement to doubt .
10 He wore a Paisley dressing-gown which was a reminder of his good taste — not that one was necessary ; the whole room , in fact the whole hotel , was a monument to it .
11 His boyish good looks , his jet-black Beatle cut and the unusual film-star name which was a product of his Italian parentage , made him a magnet for instant attention .
12 You 're a friend of his , ’ Creed said .
13 I knew Max Jacob , who was a friend of his .
14 ‘ If you remember , Luke Scott was with us for six months as a favour to the station 's director-general , who was a friend of his , because our listenership figures were dropping and we were losing advertising .
15 Sir Hugo fell in love with the daughter of a farmer who was a neighbour of his .
16 Mr Mates had approached the Attorney General , Sir Nicholas Lyell , over the handling of the case by the Serious Fraud Squad at the request of one of Mr Nadir 's advisers , who was a constituent of his .
17 A LABOUR MP WAS EXPLAINING to me why there are a number of his colleagues who are sponsored as MPs by the National Union of Railwaymen , but do not appear to have any connections with trains , railway junctions or signal boxes .
18 He wants a quick sale , and there 's a friend of his who thinks he might like it for a weekend cottage .
19 He he 's already opened hi up his heart to the Lord , there 's a lot that he 's got ta learn , there 's a lot he 's got ta let go of , there 's a lot of his old life still there , but is n't that true of every one us ?
20 If a person knows that there is a danger of his mine being flooded by his neighbour 's operations on adjacent land , and courts the danger by doing some act which renders the flooding probable , he can not complain .
21 There was a part of his mind filled almost to sickness with self-mockery , a bitter mockery grown out of the fear that was back with him now , mockery for the excellence of his seamanship .
22 Of slighter build than his brother , at fifteen Joseph still had the unfinished face of a growing boy , but his features were already set in a more thoughtful , reflective cast than Chuck 's and there was a hint of his mother 's sensitivity in his smile .
23 She analysed her feelings and had to admit that she feared there was a danger of his leaving .
24 There was a list of his likes and dislikes .
25 His inquiries and interpretations will inevitably draw polluting and contaminating ideas to the surface , for they are a result of his place as an ‘ institutional shaman ’ and mirror his position as a liminal mover in the organization .
26 They were a part of his past , and like so many other memories , slippery .
27 It is natural that the surrealist should deal in super-abundance , quite apart from it being a reflection of his youth .
28 It 's a test of his imaginative sympathy .
29 and I think it 's a friend of his .
30 In fact , it is a measure of his poverty both that he is unaware of it and that he can define himself only in negative terms .
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